Sky Map reports uncalibrated compass on FP4

Hi :wave:t2:

I’m using Google’s Sky Map on my Fairphone 4 which runs on /e/OS 1.20.

When starting the app, it reports that the compass is not properly calibrated:

I tried to calibrate it as shown in the linked video. However, the accuracy never reaches a high value and therefore this warning is always displayed on startup.

Is there anything I can do?

Regards and thx

Have you tried this out in the open (trying to avoid nearby sources of magnetic interference)?
Do you use a protective case including metal or even magnets?

Yes, I tried it several times on the beach. I’m just using Fairphone’s regular plastic bumper, so metal shouldn’t be an issue.

I just checked on my Fairphone 3, and I have no problem to get Sky Map’s accuracy reading to “high” with some calibration moves … so at least it’s not an issue of the App.

And the calibration itself, did you do this in the dialog that my screenshot shows or somewhere else?

I did this in the prompt, but it shouldn’t really have to matter. I can do the calibration moves whenever I feel the compass needs improvement, and after just doing some moves it’s improved, without any prompt, mode, menu etc.

Okay, strange :thinking: are you aware of any app for checking the compass calibration? I’d like to remove Google from the equation…

Trail Sense … (suggested here).

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