SMS and VVM : workaround for 4G


I’m using /e/OS with Murena Two and Bouygues Telecom provider in France.

In 4G as preferred network (the default setting), SMS are all received but all fail to send, and Visual Voice Mail is activated but reports that it is not fully configured (but Bouygues Telecom does not offer any setting to configure it).

Although this is not satisfying, I found a temporary workaround to these 2 issues by disabling 4G in Parameters > Network and Internet > SIM profile > Preferred network type > 3G. Then VVM and SMS started working by themselves immediately.

cc @ehquionest @Januelle

Same for me, Bouygues Telecom provider in France, Murena two.

Using 3G as preferred network type does not help… :frowning:

Correction: after I switch to 3G, it works for sending a single SMS, and then fails again for later ones. Switching to 4G and then 3G again allows to send a single message and fails again. But VVM keeps working now.


I also observed that. One single SMS worked, only.

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thanks for the mention yoan .
i buy a new telephone… a chinese that it work
I don’t want to hear about murena and e/os anymore
take care :smiling_face:

Answer from the Murena helpdesk told me that it’s a known issue at the moment and that it will be fixed in a future /e/OS update.

Temporary workaround is to deactivate wifi calls and VoLTE in

  • Settings > Network & Internet > SIMs > VoLTE
  • Settings > Network & Internet > SIMs > WiFi Calling

In French « appels Wifi » and « appel en 4G ».

The workaround worked for me.

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Awesome, it works, thank you \o/
@Manoj, possible to remove the (wrong) spoiler in the title please? :pray: I think I’m not authorized to do so.

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I have updated the title.


So, do you think this is Murena 2 specific, or more like a problem on all hardware platforms that use the same /e/OS version Murena 2 does?

Side question: how can I contact Murena support directly?

Send a mail to and share your murena two purchase and issue details.

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Alright, will do! Thank you so much, @Manoj.

Does anyone know if this has been fixed yet?

No idea. I have sent my Murena back.
The helpdesk answered all my questions by email so I suggest to ask them.

Would you care to share the answers? Unless you can’t - I’d understand your suggestion clearly then.

I reactivated Wifi calling and VoLTE a couple of hours ago when I saw your question.
So far it’s working very well for both SMS and calls so I think that the issue is fixed. I run /e/OS 1.21.

@yoan Thank you for the information. Yes, I just recently (~3 day ago, or so) updated to v1.21. Must check this and confirm. Will come back and report when ready.

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@yoan Unfortunately, in my case, there is no change. 4G Calling must be off for the SMS to work properly. I don’t understand it. Perhaps I should speak with the customer service of Murena, because this isn’t expected. Especially, since the 4G Calling is tagged as a recommended option.

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