SMS nextcloud and SMS backup

Hallo! I’m not a /e/os user, because there’s not a ROM for my phone, Honor 7 PLK-L01. I use Lineage OS 13.0 I have an account on /e/cloud and I try to use it as more as possible. I want to know if it’s possible to use Nextcolud SMS with /e/cloud account. I already tried but I didn’t understand if it worked or not. There’s any webapp on the cloud related with SMS, so I suppose that there’s no way to manege sms by the cloud server.
Maybe I can use SMS backup+, just to backup my sms on the cloud. Is it possible?
I saw that the forum suggests to use SMS backup&restore to move own messages from an old phone to a new one. But it’s a proprietary app. I tried free alternatives (Epistolaire and SMS import/export) but they didn’t work. What do you suggest to me? Thank you very much

do you just want to have a backup of it off-device, or actively manage/read the sms in a webapp?

The nextcloud app needs a companion server webapp

Note: This app needs a Nextcloud installation running the ocsms app.

But qksms can export messages by itself, which you could upload. Seedvault can do a text backup too. I guess I’d use this. There are some threads here on sms backup in the forum, give them a read

Try QKSMS from F-Droid. That has a backup function that works for me when moving between phones. I also use SMS Backup & Restore for my everyday backups, as it also backs up call logs. I prefer using FOSS apps, but I will use proprietary apps if I can’t find a FOSS app that does what I neef

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Thak you for your answare. I used SMS backup&restore and it worked fine. Next time I will try with QKSMS.

Means that I must install ocsms on my computer? But can I use my murena account to syncronize ocsms and nextcloud sms?
Thank you again

no, ocsms is a serverside webapp and uses an API to sync messages from the client android app to the server.

Seedvault is what I’d use for backup/restore/transfer. The android sms storage is independent of the App (qksms, “Messages”) and thus independently backed up and restored. It’s hidden but you can surface it.

Really I would advise you not to rely on SeedVault for any form of backup at the moment. In my experience some stuff gets backed up, some does not. Some of the stuff that is apparently backed up does not get restored. And SeedVault is not yet fully supported in /e/OS, and it may never be: this issue was closed recently because there has been no activity on it, not because it is fixed!

If your need is for backup of SMS only, then QKSMS, SMS Backup and Restore, and SMS Import / Export from F-Droid will all do everything you need. IF you need Call LOgs as well, then nit QKSMS, but the other two will be fine.

Thank you! Before using SMS backup&restore, I tried with SMS import export from F-Droid but something didn’t work. I also used Epistolaire but it seems that it works only to have a copy in json of the messages, but it’s not usefull for restore messages in a new phone.
I also would like to import some messages form a sim card to phone but I didn’t find any app or tutorial on internet. Do you know anything about this?

You don’t need another app. The followi should work in the built-in Contacts app

  • Settings (from the ‘three lines’ menu in top right
  • Import - displays a Pop-up saying ‘Import contacts from’
  • Choose SIM Card
  • Select the Calendar to import to (choose your default eCloud Calendar)
  • Select the contacts you want to imporr

I can’t give any further details, because I don’t have any contacts on my SIM card. Good luck!

Thank you.
I already imported contacts from a sim card. Some days ago I used a sim card just to export messages (it accepted just 50) from an old not-smart mobile phone. I can read this messages from my lineage os smartphone: in my sms-app I press settings and then “manage messages of SIM 1”. By this way, I can access a list of messages with the phone number. But these messages stay on SIM card and I can’t integrate them in the chat related with my contacts. Do you think that I can import messages on device memory by the contacts app?

I’m sorry, but I have no idea