SnappyMail now offered on Nextcloud... A Possible eMail Solution?

Maybe you can try “Allow CSS”?

Here is it: Provide self-hosters with SnappyMail (#6737) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab :smiley_cat:
Note: #6664 may also be of interest :wink:

Hi, tried “Allow CSS” and reloaded, no luck though.

Could you please forward the message, as attachment?

I had to retype my account password instead of application password on my phone, as stated in totp guide, as it would complain about an authentication error. Is this intentional?


I received your message, sorry for the delay.
I also couldn’t display it in SnappyMail, but it’s OK with RainLoop. Also tested with self-hosted instance, same result :frowning:

I could find this related issue: Reddit HTML message not displayed (message area blank) · Issue #540 · the-djmaze/snappymail · GitHub, especially this post: Reddit HTML message not displayed (message area blank) · Issue #540 · the-djmaze/snappymail · GitHub. Note: as far as I know, Murena use SnappyMail 2.26.3.
So there is a big difference between RainLoop and SnappyMail, when it comes to render bad-encoded HTML.

Sorry I didn’t come with a solution for you, but as SnappyMail is an active project you may expect it to work with a later release…
As an alternative, you may notify the sender.

Testing done, came up with some enhancement suggestions for upgrade guide :smiley_cat:

As a workaround, you may try to enter your credentials in

Anyone noticed that the ‘Themes’ don’t seem to stay on the one chosen? i.e. my theme is always changing back to the ‘Murena’ one between logins. Even though it says another theme is chosen in the Settings->Themes.

Theme is staying on my choice here (tested with 2 different browser to avoid a cookie thing).

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