Solved // Disable automatic Photo Upload to nextcloud

Hello all,
First of all, hello to everyone. I’ve been dealing with /e/ for a few days now and have installed a test instance on my old Oneplux X.

Pictures I take are automatically uploaded to nextcloud under /photos/OpenCamera.

Is there any way to stop this?
I have not come across any settings to do this.

Or is it the item under accounts: “Synchronize data automatically”?
If I turn this off, no more data will be synchronized? Also no other, than only the photos, I think.

The individual accounts remain untouched. As for WebDav calendar and contacts. Because I can still configure them individually via the Profile Manager?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

In Settings > Accounts is there an /e/ account? If so I think if you tap on that it will list all the items that sync to /e/ cloud eg calendar, contacts, photos. Each item can be turned on/off for syncing to cloud.

No, unfortunatly not.
Only Calender and Contacts can be configured there. Not all the other things.

Maybe is it a restriction of the very old android base version of /e/ for oneplus x?

Is there a difference to newer versions?

Jeez I don’t know.

I removed the /e/ cloud because I’m not into “cloud” so can’t really help you beyond that - those were the settings I remember having access to.

No, I don’t think there’s any restrictions. May have missed something. See if this helps…

Disable /e/Cloud’s automatic sync of Contacts and/or Media (Photos and videos)

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I have found it
It is accessible through the account synchronization Icoon.
Actually it looks only as status text, but not as menu item

Thanks a lot

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