using fastboot flash boot_a boot.img did the trick (in my case the slot was b, so fastboot flash boot_b boot.img), thank you so much! i feel a bit stupid for not being able to find the thread you have posted. thanks a lot <3
Good for you, no you are not stupid i just posted it yesterday. There is something strange going on. Can you give some details to narrow down the issue… what fastboot version did you first use? What OS version was on FP3 before flashing?
i ordered the phone last week and it arrived today. previous os version was the straight out of the box version, whatever that might be (i guess some android 9 version, unfortunately i did not check this). fastboot version is 30.0.4-6686687. mac os version is 10.15.6
Thanks for the details. This issue where the user needs to check the active partitions before a fastboot flash is being added to the documentation. I was checking for more information as to under which cases this error occurs.
The same worked for me, too, with the same error with fastboot flash boot on a FP3.
I got through the whole documentation but sadly ended up stuck in the bootloader, rather than with /e/OS, but I guess that´s a different topic - I´ll try to find out.