[SOLVED] Substratum themes

Hi, i don’t know if this is the right place to post, but on searching forum i couldn’t find anything, just a guy saying that paid for Substratum theme

But: does Substratum works on /e/? Anyone succesfully set it up? I tried with a bunch of themes and none seems to work. Even when it shows no error on compiling, it don’t work, you go to the Installed layers and nothing is there.


Substratum WORKS on /e/ as it did in cyanogen and does in Lineage.

Well i guess then that i just happened to try themes that don’t work, so…
Cause every one of them didnt work

I tried several ones and noticed not all of them work, just as you Say.

And several need to reboot, @hrqmonteiro.

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Did you happen to try PitchBlack? If so, did it worked? Cause actually that’s the one i wanted

But anyways, i tried Flux, Coalfield, Outline and none worked too, unfortunately

Nevermind, i was able to make it work, was something with the module on Magisk, with a proper version i got it. Thanks y’all.