Some questions regarding location

I successfully performed the OTA update (2.0 → 2.1) on my miatoll device (Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro)

I run a quite modified version of /e/, since I use it for the privacy and deGoogling, but I find the UI and app choices poor, where I have uninstalled microG alongside others.

I wanted to make sure that the new location services are being used, since the weather app I use (Breezy Weather (F-Droid)) doesn’t seem to be able to fetch the weather on its location-based mode.

I have enabled all the required permissions for the app.

Is there a way to see which location services are being used?

You have microg uninstalled?

I thought it is needed for the whole location stuff :thinking::thinking:

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Did you take into account the fact that not all weather sources in the Breezy app can show geolocation?

Correct. microG handles the location services. Without it GPS is all there is.

No network location services to show because you don’t have any. GPS only.
Side effect of removing things without knowing the full consequences. Not really a problem if your GPS is good enough.
Otherwise should have kept microG installed but not use any of the Google-related stuff.

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Alright then, I will reinstall microG for the location services. I just hope Google won’t have access to my geolocation.

From where should I reinstall microG?

Also, I have some apps installed that require Google Play Services but work fine without them. Now that Google Play Services will be present in the form of microG, will Google have any access to information sent by these apps? (I have left Advanced Privacy intact, since I want it)

Without using any of the Google Stuff (Device Registration, Cloud Messaging, etc) microG is pretty much like its old standalone UnifiedNlp, providing location only.
microG does not use Google location services. Prior to 0.2.28 individual location backends were needed. From then on the location stuff was rewritten to include baked-in providers (at the time only Mozilla).
Fears of Google having access to your location are unfounded I think.

As far as getting microG back on the system, that depends. When you got rid of it did you remove anything else like its permissions file(s) and/or FakeStore (aka microG Companion).
If not then just getting the microG onto the system (/system/priv-app/GMSCore/ for instance) and setting permissions on the apk (0644 / rw-r–r–) should suffice.
If microG was ever running before it was removed there might still be leftover dalvik files. They will need to be removed. With a capable (TWRP-based?) recovery one could just wipe dalvik before booting back into the ROM.

Will have to choose between version 0.2.27 where you can install various location backends or 0.2.28+.
Since you are all about the deGoogle life I don’t think there’s anything in the latest versions that will be of benefit.

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