Some suggestions for the easy-installer

The easy-installer is a great step forward for user friendliness. I used it to today (on FP3) and have some suggestions. I hope they are of some help.

  • add a back button where possible. I don’t fully remember but for example at some point the instructions said: if this failed just repeat the steps from the previous screen (I think it was about putting the phone in fastboot - so it basically said: if this failed just get your phone into fastboot again, while the instructions to do this were on the previous screen without a way to recall those instructions).

  • I am not a fan of the blue background for the active step in a list of steps. I tend to do all the steps -as I can read them- before clicking on continue. A more intuitive approach would be to gray out the not active steps (iso a blue background for the active step). To me -as a windows user- this would much better convey the message that one has to click the continue button for every step (and not after all steps are completed).

  • two ways of working were mixed. Sometimes the instructions were in the form: go to Settings > Advanced > … and sometimes it said to use the search bar to find a setting. I would suggest to stick with one way of working.

  • Moreover when the search bar method is used, one step is missing. After search I tapped on the setting (e.g. USB-debugging) as per the instructions, but that is not enough. Tapping on USB-debugging in this procedure only takes you to this setting but does not active it. So this should be added as an extra step if the search bar method is used.

  • Moreover when the search bar method is used just after entering developer mode, the options of this mode are not searchable right away. I think it were the instructions for ‘default usb configuration’. So the instructions from the easy-installer tell me to search for ‘USB configuration’ but this was not found which got me confused so I started looking around and found it on my own. Wondering why search did not find it as it was clearly available I tried again and then it was found. I think it just takes some time to add these settings to the search index. The instructions should account for this to avoid confusion.

I hope this helps.

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