Sony Xperia Z5 Compact

Continuing the discussion from Sony Xperia Z5 Compact:

Thanks Pete. That’s interesting (and a little depressing!).
I have been trying ‘A Better Camera’ and it performs virtually as well as the stock Sony camera, better if you use DRO (but slower of course). Wonder if they got round the DRM issues.

Do you happen to know if there is a checklist of what’s still unreliable using /e/ on the xz5c please ? I’d love to swap to /e/, but I do need my phone to be reliable for the basics like calls, SMS, calendar, contacts and email.

Not that I know of. I used my Z5C for several weeks before I got /e/ running on a XZ1 Compact. Everything pretty much worked. I don’t recall any problems with the apps you mention. I use K-9 mail from F-Droid, rather than the built-in Mail app (which is an earlier version or a fork of K-9) because it handles multiple accounts better (e.g different colours for different accounts).

As vendor blobs are now (with android 10) on a dedicated partition, is there a chance to see in the future those camera specific software considered as attached to the hardware