Starting to get worried

My phone, a OnePlus Nord is now 5 years old and while I’m still happy for it, it is no longer supported and won’t be getting any further updates which means I’ll need to replace it sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, there is not much that is supported with official releases.
If one uses the Smartphone selector, the Google Pixel 5,7, and 8 are the only name brand options. This is quite sad as Lineage supports the full line of Pixel, plus Motorola, OnePlus, Samsung, Xiaomi, at least 56 phones from 2021 and newer. I can understand not supporting old devices in order to do new devices or vice versa to drive sustainability but we are getting neither, so soon will be left with phones that are out of date and obsolete. I love the product and promote it at every opportunity but having two official builds for the last three years really doesn’t cut it. What is the hold up?

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Yes, it will… :

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Thank you.
Thought I recalled seeing that it won’t receive further official versions. Is the roadmap published somewhere?
Also this is good for now but the phone is already 5 years old so not seeing other, current phones is the bigger issue.

“Official” /e/OS builds are mostly reserved for devices Murena sell or sold themselves.
Are you comparing this to LineageOS “official” status? LineageOS don’t sell phones with LineageOS.

What do LineageOS “official” builds do or have which /e/OS “community” builds do or have not?
This is important to know, since otherwise there’s 47 devices from 2021 or newer /e/OS supports just by the vendors you named as per the Smartphone selector.

Since when are official builds reserved for murena devices? This was not previously the case and I have not seen it mentioned. Especially since I have been using eos since before murena.

It was also kind like that before stable builds would be for devices sold on the store (the one before the name change to Murena)

Not comparing in this manner. I actually wasn’t aware that Lineage sells phones at all.
Officially supported builds are the only ones worth considering.
It would be a little exhaustive to list here all 50+ phones supported but in response; yes, there are that many with official Lineage builds and that few with official eos builds.
Not sure what drives the decision to support a phone or not and I understand it can take a year to go from Lineage to eos but that should mean there are about as many phones coming online just a year behind. Having only a few total leaves us far behind.

Why is that? (And this is to get 20 char)

hahaha yes the 20 character thing. Why would anyone use a community build instead of an official, stable, and reliable one? Are we to believe there is no material difference between the two? If so, then why are they labeled community and official?

If I remember correctly, then the only difference is Rooted Debugging.

But I guess the other reason is for Murena to be able to separate their devices they sell and thoose they don’t. And also for which device they create OS OTA upgrade, community is always manual

I am using a community device since years (the first one was a FP3 which I used easy installer to install with to test how it works). And my experience even with stable/official there are points which might not work properly.


  • These builds are currently only available on the Murena smartphones
  • Murena smartphone are phones purchase through the murena Shop
  • Are built based on source code from the Community build branch which has been released and tested
  • This build undergoes additional and longer testing cycles
  • Builds are made by /e/OS using the /e/OS build infrastructure and signed by /e/OS official keys
  • Official builds have a maintainer
  • Get regular OTA updates
  • Users can also download the official builds and manually install them if they so desire
  • Builds format are IMG files with a build script to help with the installation.
  • Release Frequency: Monthly or bimonthly
  • Earlier referred to as stable builds
  • Build Naming format:


  • Builds are made by /e/OS using the /e/OS build infrastructure and signed by /e/OS dev keys
  • Includes the latest /e/OS development code for the device
  • Is released after testing but may still contain non critical bugs
  • Get regular OTA updates
  • Available for download on /e/OS websites
  • Release Frequency: Monthly if possible
  • Earlier referred to as dev builds
  • Build Naming format:

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Official builds in the LineageOS realm as much as I recall give you periodical automatic builds by the LineageOS build system which the maintainer for the respective device didn’t stop because of expected or known trouble.
Builds can OTA update via the updater within the same underlying Android version.

Community builds in the /e/OS realm give you periodical builds by the /e/OS build system the /e/OS developers feels confident about to release.
Builds can OTA update via the updater within the same underlying Android version.

On devices which have both flavours, official builds in the /e/OS realm usually are community builds which get kind of promoted to official after community users used them for a while and no serious trouble showed up.
With official builds there’s a chance that the /e/OS developers might prepare OTA upgrades via the updater from one underlying Android version to the next if technically possible, but there’s no guarantee, since it’s still complicated.

I can understand wanting /e/OS “official” releases, but “official” LineageOS is simply not the same thing.
Don’t compare just the wording, look at the substance.

It isn’t from /e/OS based on Android 12 on, as Rooted debugging and SafetyNet can coexist since then … SafetyNet on /e/OS Community "dev" devices - let it in or not?

Correct. I’m not comparing the two. The point is eos comes from lineage and lineage is far ahead of eos in devices so why is eos so slow to release? Original post asked: “what’s the hold up?”

So, wow. When did this become the standard? Quite disappointing and also how have I been on official for many years, just lucky?

You do, else your argument falls apart.

You first constructed this argument based on wrong numbers, now you try with comparing oranges and apples (at least drawing the wrong conclusion out of it). It still is a false premise of yours.

There’s still Request a Device - /e/OS community, but it seems one time you already got what you wanted there.

The core principle is the same for ages now. The wording changed, stable → official and dev → community.

If you are disappointed with what /e/OS community is, then you should be disappointed with what LineageOS official is as well, as they are indeed quite comparable :person_shrugging:.

You’re wrong on all counts and this is why official is preferred over community. With community anyone can add or say anything.
Again, there is not a comparison, the fact is eos comes from lineage and lineage does abetter job of staying up-to-date on devices.
The numbers are not wrong. Feel free to look it up.

LineageOS support many different types of devices :

  • Defkit
  • Handheld game console
  • Foldable
  • Set top box
  • Phone
  • Phone (slider)
  • Tablet

207 devices in total with active support.
If i filter this list to devices which also being supported by /e/OS, the number is reduced to 186.

Now, comparing to /e/OS :

Number of Smartphones officially supported by /e/OS : 217

So /e/OS even support more devices then LineageOS.

I did, and I told you more than once now, but feel free to ignore it and go on with this nonsense. Have a great day.

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