Stuck at eOS boot after sideload to 1.8s

I build myself eOS version 1.8 and 1.8.1 for Android S an my Samsung Tab s5e LTE and adb sideload it and for both versions I’m stuck with e boot logo. I had 1.7S official dev installed before. I tried to sideload 1.7 official dev again but now it boots to TRWP… any ideas?

Update: after factory reset I could downgrade to 1.7s again. Luckily I had a backup
Today I could upgrade to 1.8s via OTA successfully

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just realized that the 1.8 version that was shared by OTA is version 1.8 beta2 from 2023-01-18.
So it seem the current 1.8 and 1.8.1 version have issues on the Samsung Tab S5e LTE…