Suggestion for the new devices list

Hi /e/ team!

I see there’s a new devices list, it looks very nice thanks :slight_smile:

One thing which I think is missing is the information about the support level for each device. IIRC there are official, community and unofficial builds. It would be very helpful if this devices page would say which type of build is available for which device.

Cheers :slight_smile:

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there is no unofficiall builds in this list at all, all unofficiall builds here

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Hi @Unknown,
Well, it would still be helpful to say which are official and which are community builds (i.e. no full time maintainer).
Cheers :slight_smile:

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I totally agree with you @madbilly, such a list would be very helpfull. Are there any devices with an official Android Pi build of /e/ ? It’s hard to tell.

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Hi @cedricoola there are 11 official Pie builds - but you are right details on which are the official / community builds that information is not showing up on our wiki. There are some updates coming to the wiki documentation and soon we will display this information as well.

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This forum has a useful ‘Request a device’ category. I wonder if a ‘Request a build’ category starts to be needed as well, as most popular devices are being supported. Not sure how to handle it.

Hi @cedricoola requesting a build would need someone to build it. Which is the same as Request a device to be added to the supported list :slight_smile:

Hi @Manoj what I mean is requesting an android version upgrade. Or is there no need to request this because once a device is supported, the /e/ team always aims at keeping it actual?

For an upgrade also at present the process is the same - under request a build just raise your request and add an os-upgrade tag. Though this is not exactly necessary since we need to upgrade all models periodically. The one reason why this is not happening is we have not been able to upgrade the OS via OTA updates. I believe it is not possible even on Lineage and since we fork from there we carry the same issue forward :frowning: Users will need to manually flash the upgrade. I personally think it should be ok as a one - time effort …while we work on getting this done OTA. This is why our Pie / Oreo upgrades are still delayed for a number of devices. Not all our users are comfortable with the manual flash method.

So sometimes the upgrade itself is actually ready but it needs to be made OTA compatible to be marked official? Am I right, @Manoj ?

Yes that is correct.