Synchronizing E Cloud on PC and Smartphone

Hello dear Friends of Privacy,

Does the synchronization work for you, when you upload something from the PC, and you try to access it on the phone or vice versa? Because in my case, it doesnt directly do that. It synchronizes after some time. Maybe a week or a month.

I already tried different things but still doesnt do what I want. Any suggestions?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


I’ve also noticed some strange synchronisation behaviour between my phone (with /e/OS v1.19) and 2 PCs that use Murena cloud (one PC from a browser, the other under Linux with a Nextcloud account that lets you use the native file manager).
Synchronisation between the 2 PCs works fine. It’s with the phone that strange things happen. This is similar to some examples listed in several Topics. Files or photos created on the phone are uploaded to the cloud but:

  • Files or photos deleted from the phone are not deleted from the cloud
  • If I rename a file on the phone, it is duplicated on the cloud. A file with the old name, a file with the new name

I understand that synchronisation is being overhauled. Is this really the case? Or is it a configuration problem on my end?

Kind regards,