Tailscale version 1.6X not working on / e /OS

  • OS version: /e/ OS 1.21
  • Appstore: F-Droid
  • App version: Tailscale version 1.62
  • Behavior: App opens and then immediately closes
  • Troubleshooting steps you’ve already tried: Restarting device, reinstalling app, checking for updates

can reproduce this with 1.61.105 - downgrade to 1.58.2 as temp. measure, this one doesn’t exhibit crashes.

E Go      : panic: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no non-static method "Lcom/tailscale/ipn/App;.getSyspolicyStringValue(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"
E Go      : 
E Go      : goroutine 22 [running]:
E Go      : github.com/tailscale/tailscale-android/cmd/jni.GetMethodID(0x7093a57110, 0xd, {0x6f54ce588c?, 0x4000cccbd8?}, {0x6f54cfff49, 0x26})
E Go      : 	/home/vagrant/build/com.tailscale.ipn/cmd/jni/jni.go:451 +0x114

NoSuchMethodError on App getSyspolicyStringValue … reads like a compile+packaging issue originating from f-droid? maybe someone noted, as I see a 1.64 being in the build pipeline - https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/log/com.tailscale.ipn/202

you’d see much more error reports in tailscales issue tracker or play store site if this wouldn’t be due to f-droid.

Edit: there’s an explanation by tailscale folk - https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/11719#issuecomment-2054073651 - the gist of it being: f-droid did react to version-tags and made releases, that tailscale themselves deemed unstable and didn’t yet publish to the play store. Interesting case for package distributors

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How can I switch to the Playstore version instead in /e/ OS appstore? As Tailscale clearly states that the issue comes from F-Droid? Thank you!

f-droid downgrade really is easier… in theory: uninstall the app, clear caches of AppLounge, start again and uncheck you want opensource Apps. This should then favor playstore Tailscale. It doesn’t work if you do not clear caches as far as I’ve experienced

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I love this community, wasn’t sure where the problem was coming from and here was the question and answer in fewer than 24 hours!

This is why I wasn’t excited when fdroid started auto-updating apps a few months ago. I guess I’ll be turning that off in the settings before I have to uninstall and downgrade a third time!

Unfortunately, v1.64 seems to have same problem😪

f-droid has a push for a working 1.60 going, that should be reachable soon. F-Droids pipeline turnaround time really is a hindrance.

When the bot update the metadata generally no one tests the apk.

staggered releases could be a solution if the test infra isn’t there - as user you’d choose the group you want to be in. If 10 ppl of group A say it’s fine, it goes to B, etc.

Something of interest for /e/OS device releases too - in addition to feedback threads.

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Is it possible to downgrade with App Lounge app?

kind of explained a few posts further up - where you disable foss apps in AL? you need to uninstall in any case then.

I could downgrade installing fdroid, but l don’t think it is available with App Lounge.

true (I was wrong earlier), foss app of the same appid is always preferred in AL - a user filed the feature-request to have the choice at https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/backlog/-/issues/7898

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1.60 is up on fdroid and worked for me

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