Teracube VoLTE problem on AT&T in USA

tried most of the same steps to no avail. With exception of network reset (did a full reset instead) and yeah didn’t help.

I reverted to e OS 1.10, and successfully added the necessary access point with no issue. I’m back in business.

EDIT: I wonder if this issue occurs with 1.11. I managed to skip that one.
EDIT: Doesn’t matter, 1.11 is no longer available to download.

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I recall the release notes for 1.11 expressly stated that it had problems on the 2e and was not released to them.

It’s good to hear there is hope. Thanks all.

To revert to 1.10, did you download a fresh rom and install from scratch? I assume not a dirty install.

Aight! Did the same and worked out right away without additional settings.
@Brado I used the teracube 2e firmware flasher and then used the /e/ os easy installer. Not a single command was misspelled!

Yes, I downloaded 1.10 and did a manual install. https://doc.e.foundation/devices/emerald/install
Funny, the “fastboot format md_udc” command did not work, but it still turned out okay. Nice of linux to tell you how to install things like fastboot and adb, and so forth, right there by the command line.

Not necessarily related to the AT&T stuff but for those who had issues with 1.12.3, a new 1.12.5 is now available for stable. Dev will follow shortly.
Supposedly fixes recent issues.

I guess I’d better skip this one, then.

EDIT: On the contrary, this update does solve my AT&T issue. The access point I added carried over from 1.10, and I can make calls.

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Thanks to all for sharing.

Last week I tried what @eqw21759 did, but
could not make the easy installer work. My linux machine is running mint, which seems not to play well with the qt libraries required for easy installer. In windows the installer kept stalling part way through - I suspect a driver issue that I was not able to chase down using the /e/ support docs.

So I did a manual install of 1.10 using adb and now can make calls again. Whew.

@davking, your latest post seems to say you upgraded to 1.12.5 and everything works, is that right? You used the updater? I can’t find release notes anywhere for 1.12.5

It sure would be nice to be able to roll back without reinstalling and having to redo all the installed apps and settings. It would also be nice to have a recovery like twrp so we could create full image copies. Maybe I’m missing something.

Thanks again everybody.

It was announced here Week 27, 2023: Development and Testing Updates

Update 4 July v1.12.5 has been released for Teracube emerald and zirconia (2e) stable users. They should be able to see it in their updater app. This has the fix for the calls not connecting issue. Will update when fix goes on dev.

It seems dev users are still waiting for such notification.

That was helpful @aibd, thanks. The update ran flawlessly from 1.10 to 1.12.5 and calls work fine.

Having trouble again, cannot edit or save an APN on e v1.20 Internet is very slow in some areas, even though I have a decent antenna.

Same goes for v1.21, cannot edit an existing APN or add a new one. I need to set an APN for Patriot Mobile, which uses AT&T.

Of course usually the easiest thing is to ask the carrier to send the APN over the air to your device. Is there some difficulty doing that ?

So it is possible that the main apns-config.xml has the error and it is being fed to your device with every update. It is a very big file (~3,866 lines) the file is found here https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/android_vendor_lineage/-/blob/v1-r/prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml?ref_type=heads

I searched and linked v1-r (you should search the Android version you are using). I started by searching for cricket as it was mentioned further up the thread, but as I posted this I see you now are on Patriot. I did not find a match for Patriot.

I suggest that you should first search for an existing issue and could consider to add to or start new Issue as Report an issue giving the correct information.

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