The great deGoogling - part 3

(the bit where I figure out where to start)

I’m in the process of deGoogling, in preparation for an /e/ phone, and journalling my journey. I’m writing it partly to keep pushing myself on, and partly because, for anyone wanting to benefit from the /e/ project, they will likely have to go through something of a similar process. Maybe my trials and errors will be helpful to others.

One thing I’m conscious of is that it is going to involve ongoing vigilence, ongoing mindfulness about the digital choices. No point changing out the operating system and then loading a whole heap of data-leaking apps on top of it…

This is a discipline I’m going have to get used to practicing, so I might as well start now.

I work in eye-care, and when someone comes in with a Herpes virus ulcer on their cornea - not much fun - the first step is to ‘debulk’ the wound. Remove tissue from around the ulcer site because that’s where most of the virus particles are. Having removed a good proportion of the viral load, you then apply antiviral medication to mop up the rest.

I’m not in a position to go cold turkey on all Google services upfront, especially the email addresses. That will take time and care to transfer. And I’m not able to remove the unseen operating systems processes that extract data about me. But maybe a good first step is to ‘debulk’ - to reduce the flow of data. Reduce dependence on less integrated services, lighten the digital footprint, stop feeding the beast so much.

Here were my first steps:
(They are all flawed to some extent, but the aim was to start thinking and acting differently)

  • Phone: Turn location services on only when I need them, and off when I’m done. ?futile?
  • Phone: cull as many unused apps as possible (side effect: phone’s running faster now!)
  • Default to responding ‘no’ to any requests to further integrate one service with another. Things are tangled enough as they are.
  • Turn off as many automatic / ‘suggested for you’ options as possible.
  • Write my own basic homepage that can link me quickly to where I often go on the internet rather being prompted by someone else (ie start taking a bit more control again). I actually don’t need fancy stuff to do what I do. I want the internet to be a tool I use, not a shopping mall I enter.
  • See if RSS feed readers are still around to get the content I want to read with less of the ads and trackers. (…and save some time too)
  • Prepare to jettison Chrome as my browser, which keeps trying to get me to sign in to it. I’m moving to Firefox to start off with, but I plan to set it up in a way that will be easy to shift later on if I need to. Will have to sort through bookmarks and logins so that I can still access my favourite sites.
  • Use the option in Firefox to have separate search box and address box (rather than Chrome-style ‘wonder bar’) so that every time I type an address it’s not a ‘google searched’ address.
  • Start logging in and out of gmail on my desktop browser (still using app on my phone).

I don’t know how much difference these changes will make to the volume of data collected about me, but regardless of their effectiveness, they are getting me to be more mindful about my data connections. They will form part of the new discipline needed if I’m going to take this data privacy thing seriously, regardless of the devices I use.

(Part 4 is the bit where I start browsing the internet differently)



De-googling is difficult, for sure! Another method could be to separate your emails and phone usage into different categories. For example, you could categorize things according to “business” and “personal” and “family/friends” and then look at each category separately on how to de-google it.

I eventually plan on separating personal and potential business interactions, and it will be far easier to de-google my personal interactions than it will potential business ones. It’s not a complete solution, but it will allow you to make more headway with stuff. Bite sized pieces are always easier to chew.

I love RSS still! It is my preferred method of getting news. No algorithms thinking they know what I want to read and injecting all kinds of ads and premium content (junk). Try Feedly (and choose the email login option). That way you subscribe to the sites you go to the most, as you mentioned you are in control of what content you want to ingest.
There are lots of great email options out there. And many offer combined email/contacts/calendar features. You can sign up and try some before you make the move away from Google, a trial period will give you a good test of how their system can sync to your phone. The DavDroid app is great for syncing contacts and calendars to your phone, just be sure the email provider supports CalDav and CardDav syncing.

Storing login information is an issue that you might consider not doing by the browser itself but by external password managers. My personal preference is KeePass (it also has plugins that allow direct use from Firefox and from other browsers), but there are lots of different password managers available.

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Nice post! For me as a senior it is easier to de-google than for working people. About mail: the problem with google products is, that they are so good. Gmail works very well. I left gmail years ago and my husband left gmail last year. We both have Tutanota and He managed a group with 700 addresses in gmail and he thought it would be too difficult to switch. But he got support from Soverin and it works fine. There are several privacy friendly paid mail services:, German, open source, fully encrypted if you interchange a key, free or premium only E12 a year. There is (Swiss), free or premium, more expensive, but all the features that gmail has. And:, with all the features you need, reasonable priced. There are more: Fastmail, Posteo. And K-mail. To my opinion for business the paid services and are best.

Firefox :+1::heart::laughing:
The best broweser ever