The state of e/os on FP5?

So I have a FP5 and wanted to know what the compatibility is like for the e/os.

I have seen the compatibility list not mention the FP5 only FP4 and below, but I dont know if its just outdated.

Anything to watch out for?

Welcome to the Community :wave:

I don’t know what compatibility list you checked, but the official list is much more optimistic:

You can install a dev version or a stable version of /e/OS T (Android 13) on an FP5, and Murena also sells the FP5 with /e/OS T pre-installed.


Ahh I see!
I was looking here:
Thank you so much :smiley:

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Yes, the Easy installer currently seems under construction for the FP5. However, what it provides does not essentially differ from the written instructions you can find starting from the devices list (the one I linked to above). The Easy Installer “walks you through” the instructions in the shape of a desktop window, but the steps are the same.

One suggestion: If you can live with updates coming with a slight delay, the stable version comes with the advantage that major version upgrades (like from Android 13 to 14) will be delivered OTA (i.e. through the System Updates function in the system settings). Major upgrades to the dev version would have to be installed manually, i.e. with a computer connected to the phone. Small, more frequent updates within an Android version will come OTA regardless of dev or stable.


Be prepared though that e/os will infrequently reboot without obvious reason. I have a FP5 myself and experience this few times a day. So far I have come across one app that does not like this behaviour.

I have just bought a shiny new FP5 from Murena. The OS seems to work, and not only that but almost immediately upgraded to /e/OS/ 2.1

From a non-tech newbie perspective it “seems to work” OK. Hope that helps.