Tissot (Xiaomi Mi A1) actually updated?

the https://download.lineageos.org/tissot has stopped updating quite a while ago. Since /e/ is built upon this version, what is the actual status of the newest /e/ builds for Tissot? Do they only contain /e/-specfic updates, or do they also contain the latest AOSP-updates. Are they still safe to use?



My phone has never been supported by LineageOS and is supported by /e/.

Nothing will change for your device :slight_smile:

I don’t know exactly all changes, but at least with eOS, you have tissot with may Android Security Patch.

That’s great.
I have been looking all over for a build or change log, but have been unable to find one.
Is there a place where one can find these?
Many thanks!

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Thanks again Lept.

However, for the build e-0.9-p-2020051454091-dev-tissot.zip, the changelog is e-0.7-p-2020033047438-dev-tissot.zip.changelog. On March 28, the LineageOS Tissot builds stopped.

So I still worry: what is in the /e/ Tissot build on May 14 exactly?

I think the Xiaomi Mi A1 should be removed from the list of supported phones:

It provides a false sense of security, because it suggests a maintained OS, which it is no longer (unfortunately.

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