Correct me if I am wrong but this setup on a non-root device would leave the VPN slot open for TC since the VPN configuration is through Shadowsocks/InviZible, correct?
If correct:
How will this setup impact TC, ie will TC still work or does DNScrypt impact TC like other DNS’
1A. List item
Anyone tried this with ProtonVPN? Does it work with Shadowsocks?
After reading up I was under the impression that Shadowsocks Foss was a proxy using the said VPN’s settings and then this connection would be utilized by InviZible in VPN mode (no VPN slot usage, done through settings in app by encrypting and routing traffic via InviZible connection). Guess I need to better understand how these 3 all work together but I am not seeing a great write up on it.
After reading up on these tools, especially InviZible, I see that when @marcdw speaks (types) one would be wise to listen (read).
In that configuration, InviZible was using the VPN slot, Shadowsocks’ Service mode is set to “Proxy only”. It’s a bit confusing, too. There are two setups where Shadowsocks can be used with InviZible as the VPN. Already I’ve forgotten which one I used but I believe it was the TOR over VPN.
TrackerControl (as the VPN) is currently being used with InviZible (in Proxy mode) again. Would be nice if in the future there could be a way for TC to act as a proxy to a regular VPN.
I feel you. I have read over and over those tutorials and still confused on exactly what’s going on.
Surfshark is the VPN service I use with Shadowsocks. Once setup and connected I believe InviZible passes the Shadowsocks connection through itself and out to the world. Correction, the other way around more likely. InviZible routes traffic out through Shadowsocks. There’s been a time or two, after a reboot, where Shadowsocks didn’t reconnect and I had no internet connection. Tutorial mentions being able to split/route traffic depending on how one sets things up. Through TOR, through VPN service / shadowsocks, or bypass and connect directly. ???
Regardless, when I consult the various IP checker sites they do indeed see the IP provided by Surfshark and not my ISP (T-Mobile).
I think now I’m going to have to start over and test both of those setups.
I just found this article and have read it once. It helps differentiate Shadowsocks vs VPN. I need to let my mind rest and reread a few more times till I can simply explain it to others. Thanks for the help.
"Can I combine Shadowsocks with a VPN?
Such a refreshing combination. Like a perfect cocktail on a hot summer afternoon. Combining these two ingredients, one perfect for online freedom, and the other one ideal for privacy, it results in the unstoppable Shadowsocks VPN solution.
As you can easily conclude, when you use both VPN and Shadowsocks, you enjoy the perks of these two technologies all at once."
EDIT: From what I gather, maybe I am incorrect?, I don’t have a need to bypass any firewalls and thus possibly don’t have use for Shadowsocks FOSS. This makes me wonder what else I would need Shadowsocks for? I must say all the Transylvania talk brought me back to the NES 8-bit days of my younger years, Castlevania. I guess maybe it adds another layer of anonymity by tunneling a connection to a different geozone?
That is in an interesting discussion. I’ve been thinking along those lines, if I can somehow chain TC with shadowsocks or some other VPN/util that implements/has proxy support built in.
My return to TC with InviZible was short-lived and I went back to shadowsocks/InviZible combo. Finding the right setup on an unrooted device takes some work. You’ve been doing a lot of research on this so I’ve been paying close attention.
Yep, there seems to be more to dicover. I actually didn’t yet go far enough to that survey. One of my problem is too little time, too many intresting things going on. Many times I just scratch the surface, but have to read it more even when survey thread is already locked. Time will show when this is released, was at roadmap but don’t remember any time mentioned there (one more thing to check).
With that said, that’s one reason I link those things I haven’t seen yet much in conversation. Here many of you have high knowledg of things and can give quite educated opinions regarding some of those, which partially helps at that “too little time” issue.
Yes, this is exactly why I am so appreciative when people share their knowledge. It saves me this precious resource “time”. At times I feel there is concerted effort (not sure by who) to keep us so busy that we are blinded to the chains being wrapped around us.