Very very happy 5 months e os user here, but quit tech dummy.
i would like to pass my eos phone to a member of my family and get a new for me. What is the easiest way to transfer my murena account from the old to the new phone?
Thank you
If you acquire your new phone and simply add your existing Murena account at first start wizard this will just work, apart from effects of the outage, so some things are going to fail to add to the new phone. Two phones, one account is no problem in itself.
I would want to test that this was ok, and the effects of the outage were not too significant for me.
Then a Factory reset of your old phone will detach the account from your old phone ready to give it away.
If required at First start wizard add the newly created account of the recipient.
Ok, thank you very much. And what about things that (…i suppose) are not synced with murena cloud, like sms and contacts stored locally (In the phone storage and not in the murena account), and may be also photos (considering the outage)? Should i pass trough a previous back up? If yes, is it what syncthing does? Or is a different app that i need?
Thanks in advance