TWRP Decrypt Data doesn't work

Hi everybody :wink:

I wanted to make a backup in TWRP in order to reinstall /e/ because of this issue.

Sadly, I’ve encrypted my phone, and when TWRP asks me for my password it doesn’t work. I’m sure of my password.

So I rebooted, I went into /e/ and I deactivated the password lock.
TWRP still asks me for a password.

My theory : what if the password asked by TWRP was the 256bits key stored in the SecureThing ?


If you don´t have important information on the device and you want to make it useble again, you could format the device by going to wipe>format>confirm.
The device should be useble again (after flashing of course), but if you have information you don´t want to lose you can better not format the device. I got no idea where the password is being stored right now, maybe some of the staff know what to do next then?

Some time back I had found an article on TWRP explaining the way the password is set or needs to be entered while decrypting. It is a weird explanation if you set a swipe patter on the screen. Saw a similar post here. Still searching for that original TWRP article…

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Justamente me sucedio eso mismo el dia de ayer y la solucion es realmente sencilla, si al configurar la nueva instalacion de /e/ OS vas al apartado seguridad y configuras pin o patron, lo que debes hacer es quitar toda seguridad y dejar sin ningun bloqueo, luego de eso reinicias en TWRP y ya dejara entrar normal a los datos sin cifrar. (esto debe hacerse cada que requieras usar TWRP puesto que toma la seguridad de bloqueo del telefono y aun asi no la reconoce correctamente). Uso /e/ OS en un OnePlus 5T.