Unable to Sync Contacts with Murena Cloud on /e/OS


I’m having trouble syncing my contacts with Murena Cloud on /e/OS. I’ve enabled sync for my contacts in the settings; but they don’t appear in my cloud account. :upside_down_face:

Is there a specific setting or workaround I’m missing? I’ve already tried restarting the device and toggling the sync off and on; but no luck. :thinking: I have checked https://community.e.foundation/t/chromium-choppy-background-play/43940- splunk documentation guide but still need help.

Additionally; I checked my internet connection and confirmed that other sync services like calendar and notes are working fine.

I’m using the latest version of /e/OS; and this issue seems to have started recently.
Could it be a bug; or are there specific logs I can check to diagnose the problem?

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

This is probably because your contacts were created as ‘Device’ contacts (i.e. they live only on the device and are not synched at all). There is no easy way to change from being device contacts. You need to do the following:

  1. Export your device contacts to a .vcf file
  2. Import the .vcf file to your murena.io account, (either on the phone or via the web interface)
  3. When you are sure that all the contacts have been imported to your murena.io account, delete all the ‘Device’ contacts, by clearing storage for the 'Contacts Storage’ system app: Settings | Apps and notifications | Show system

Note don’t clear storage for the Contacts app - which like most contacts apps does not store the contacts, it is a client which access the data owned by the ‘Contacts Storage’ system app.

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