[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Galaxy Tab 4 [SM-T530NU] (matissewifi) (matisselte) (matisse3g) for /e/OS-T

Galaxy Tab 4 [SM-T530NU] (matissewifi) for /e/OS-T 2.6


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at you own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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Anybody tested it ? Those Galaxy tab 4 were really famous tablets

I have and my kid. Works like a charm.

Note - I tested from a fresh install.

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Thanks ! Iā€™m wondering for a client you wants to change the battery to keep this tablet forever , apart from maybe some high consumption in sleep mode , do you see any blocking point ?

matisselte and matisse3g build should also be possible since only updated device file are needed for that

Update for /e/OS-T 2.7


Also test builds for LTE and 3G version:



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matissewifi : perfect so far !

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