[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Galaxy Tab A 10.5 (2018) WiFi [SM-T590] (gta2xlwifi) for /e/OS-T

Galaxy Tab A 10.5 (2018) WiFi [SM-T590] (gta2xlwifi) for /e/OS-T 1.20


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

@UDPSendToFailed XDA Senior Member

Notes for SM-T595 users

The ROM has been modified to work on the LTE variant too, with the same level of functionality as the WiFi-only variant. This means that the LTE modem will not be usable in this ROM, and the device will appear as SM-T590 everywhere.

I was unable to successfully install your /e/OS-T on my SM-T595 because I tried your e-Recovery. The e-Recovery booted after some stuttering, but the ROM installation was cancelled because the system recognised that my device is a ā€œgta2xlā€ and not a ā€œgta2xlwifiā€.

An SM-T590 ā€œgta2xlwifiā€ is on its way to me, so I can try out your /e/OS-T ROM on the ā€œrealā€ SM-T590 over the weekend.

did you also try as per instructions:
Flash TWRP in the AP slot using Odin

Yes, I have installed TWRP 3.7.0 and lineage-20.0-20230514-UNOFFICIAL-gta2xlwifi, but the system keeps crashing.

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I have completely rebuilt the SM-T595 system again, starting with stock Android 10, then the penultimate LineageOS 20.0 in version lineage-20.0-20230417-UNOFFICIAL-gta2xlwifi with TWRP 3.7.0_12-0.


Changelog: 2023. 05. 14.
Edit: Not recommended to download. This build has issues with WiFi after reboot ā€¦

The LOS system booted and could be set up, but after the third reboot the boot process ends with the animated LOS logo. I was not able to revive the system.

I then installed your ROM e-1.20-t-20240307-UNOFFICIAL-gta2xlwif using TWRP 3.7.0_12-0. The boot process ended at the animated e-logo = bootloop

I then successfully installed the last /e/OS-Q GSI from 2023. All basic applications work: 4G LTE, WLAN, BT, e-Cameras.

The next and last step was the successful installation of @AndyYan GSI Lineage-20-td 2024.03.17. All elementary applications work - except for the cameras: 4G LTE, WIFI, BT

Other camera apps also do not recognise the sensors; various Phh Treble Settings workarounds also did not get the cameras to work. But cameras in tablets are only of minor importance to me. Itā€™s much more important that 4G LTE works :slight_smile:

Installation e-1.20-t-20240307-UNOFFICIAL-gta2xlwifi.zip using TWRP 3.7.0_12-0 from the SM-T590 exactly according to the instructions of the developer @UDPSendToFailed without errors up to the animated e-logo. Then the dot bounces for around one and a half minutes and exits with a reboot into the Samsung logo. From there, boot into the e-logo - and everything starts all over again = bootloop, no setup possible. I have tried several times, unfortunately without success.

I suspect that the source code from May 2023 is not optimal for building a working /e/OS.

Does the respective LineageOS version work? I remember there were a lot of patches to apply for this device, but I think all of them could be applied successfully

I have not tried LOS 20.0 on the SM-T590. The problems I have encountered indicate an immature LOS ROM.

Known issues:

  • WiFi hotspot crashes
  • Bluetooth audio
  • 2 of 4 speakers are working
  • GPS
  • Freezes / crashes with some SD cards, in case the ROM installation fails with black screen or the setup process keeps freezing, try removing the SD card
  • SELinux permissive

Now successful installation of @AndyYan GSI Lineage-20-td 2024.03.17. All elementary applications work like WIFI, BT, GPS - except the cameras, as with the SM-T595. Only 2 of 4 speakers are working

I had no installation success with @AndyYan GSI Lineage 19.0 and 21.0.

Potentially worth a try:


Another try, this time I took LOS-UL sources:


Too bad I canā€™t test it because I only have the LTE model: Galaxy Tab A 10.5 (2018) LTE SM-T595 ( gta2xllte )

I doubt that it will work, but I could adapt wifi sources and found vendor data to be able to build.
At last first step to a possible gta2xllte supportā€¦


Iā€™ll use one of my two T595 ( gta2xllte ) as a test device for your /e/OS ROM. The other will remain untouched and continue to run @AndyYan GSI.

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@rooz98, if you open a separate thread for the T595 LTE, we can bundle all experiences there.

The installation of e-2.6.3-t-20241230-UNOFFICIAL-gta2xllte.zip per ā€˜Installā€™ via TWRP_3.7.0_12 runs without errors. After the first start, the Samsung logo is displayed with two messages at the top left:

Set Warranty Bit : kernel (yellow font)

The system remains motionless in this state, i.e. no automatic reboot, no bootloop.

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