[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Google Nexus 6 (shamu) for /e/OS-S

Google Nexus 6 (shamu) for /e/OS-S 2.5


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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Thanks for support.

I have a bootloop After install. e/os/ recovery installed. But After a longtime (2mn) on e/os splashscreen, device reboot


Can you try TWRP and LOS first and then dirty flash the eOS version

Ok. Iā€™ll try it. Classic Wipe before install e/os version ?

Thanks a lot,


Clean LOS install, then dirty eOS install

Tested and same result

Any better with this version:


Nope. Freeze at Google splashscreenā€¦

Last try, this time using LOS-UL sources:



i would try this, but I could not find the latest official e.OS build (R-2.3?) for the shamu to return in case the build fails. Any idea why the official backups have still not been restored on the servers or were I could find the latest official build 4 the shamu?


This link is still broken since monthsā€¦ :frowning:


@piero : Are you able to do a R build for shamu?

it is on my list, i will make it a priorityā€¦
it should be deserved this night !

Edit : itā€™s on lineā€¦

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Thx a lot folxā€¦

I will try both Romā€™s and report back asapā€¦

Greetā€™s and keep it up! :slight_smile:

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Yes, thx for the R e.OS buildā€¦ I installed it yesterday dirty over R 1.18. All was fine including the Camā€¦

After that I managed to install the latest 2.7 S build also dirty over R 2.3. It booted successfully and most things were up and running besides the camā€¦

There is the the bad ID:0 ā€˜in useā€™ Error. Also the flashlight canā€™t power on. Errormessage: Cam is in useā€¦

If one have an idea about that. Any info would be appreciatedā€¦ :slight_smile:


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Hi piero,

I deep tested your latest provided legacy e.OS build v2.3 for shamu today, because I decided to deinstall the v2.7 S build because of the camera ID:0 bugā€¦

So far I found 2 problemsā€¦ The App Lounge App and the Browser App does not start. Browser stops with an error messageā€¦

I think the App Version are to new for the older build 2.3 Build. App Lounge is v.2.12 and browser is v.131ā€¦

I managed to deinstall both apps and tried to install older versions of lounge and browser apps, but I received the following error belonging to some kind of signature problem.

adb: failed to install I:\Tools\Browser (foundation.e.browser) [v.123.0.6312.122].apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package foundation.e.browser signatures do not match previously installed version; ignoring!]

Also a reinstall of the browser v.131 fails with the following error:

adb: failed to install I:\Tools\Browser (foundation.e.browser) [v.131.0.6778.140].apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY: Reconciliation failedā€¦: Reconcile failed: Package foundation.e.browser requires differently signed static shared library; failing!]

Do you have an idea what this means? Can you provide an none signature checking lounge and browser version for downgrading? I think app lounge v2.11 and browser v.123 will do the job on e.OS v.2.2 - v2.3ā€¦

Or do you want rebuild the Rom with older versions of these two apps?

Thx and greats

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Did you flash e-2.3-r starting from Scratch GogolOS ? (format /data)

Did you clean flash from other version ? (wipe /data)

Did you dirty flash over other version ?

Yes, I installed it from the very scratch including format/wipe Data/System/Caches and clean flashed it right after. No dirty flashes this time hereā€¦ :slight_smile:

No, I donā€™t started from the original GoogleOS but from e.OS R v1.18 community build, as I wrote some days ago. I decided to go back from the e.OS S v2.7 Version Ronnz had build because of the cam ID:0 bugā€¦

If you can rebuild with older working versions of e.browser and e.app.lounge it would be niceā€¦ If not, its ok for me. Because I managed to deinstall these to Systemapps and use the aurora store and the older bromite or vivaldi browser insteadā€¦

PS: I think, that not so many people will use an alternate System like e.OS on this old Google device, because they donā€™t know that such possibility exist. So itā€™s not necessary to invest more time into thisā€¦


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only this version works:

I also get the same results with e-2.7-s-20250119-UNOFFICIAL-shamu.zip
TWRP recover, clean flash LOS 19.1 then dirty e-2.7-s-20250119-UNOFFICIAL-shamu
I get the same camera ID error

Then if I reload TWRP (since e-2.7 loads the companion /e/ OS recover),
then clean e-2.3-r-20250122-LEGACY-shamu
I get the same App Lounge error.

Is there any /e/ OS build at all for shamu that fully functions
(with a working App Lounge and Browser)?

Thank you.

Android 11 based e-2.3-r seems to work :