[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Motorola Moto G5S Plus (sanders) for /e/OS-R

Motorola Moto G5S Plus (sanders) for /e/OS-R 1.21


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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I was surprised I missed this one.
I was happily multi booting Oreo ROMs on the device but when I decided to move on I’ve been ROM hopping. Unable to find a ROM that just works for me.

Anyway I put the word out about this on a Sanders Telegram group. One user said it bootloops.
When I tried it it won’t start and I eventually get thrown into the recovery (TWRP-based Pitch Black Revovery Project).
Also tried with different kernels to no avail. ROM will not boot.

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I used different sources now, can you please test:



Apologies for the late reply.

Sorry to say the situation is the same. In trying to start ROM it immediately throws into the bootloader.

For testing I would try various custom kernels. Only one allowed the ROM to get as far as the /e/ logo, which gets stuck in a loop until phone reboots to recovery.

The latest working LineageOS 18.1 build I’m aware of was rekeased March 2024. I had flashed it earlier to test sigspoofing.
If you decide to go further maybe you can ask the dev what sources were used.

Try this please:


Once again, sorry for the delay.

Better this time. Alas, it sticks at the /e/ logo for some time (kermel bootloop?) before it reboots into recovery.
For me anyway.