[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Oreo Motorola MotoG 4 Plus


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Thanks a lot for this new update.

just find this thread but link is not working.
please can you provide new one?

I deleted it because GPS not working on my phone with V0.14. Will try again when the next update is available sorry. GPS is working ok on V0.12. I need to test the official Nougat build to see if it functions there.

I am stack a V0.10 so no problem to wait :wink:
anyway, can I help with testing somehow?

please, I did find this link

looks they are able to build LOS with gsp-revert

could you try same thing with /e/ ?

thank you

Is the last working build somewhere available?

Is there actually a reason why official builds are removed (with lineage as well )?


They are not - at least not yet. The page I linked above has the latest working version e-0.19-n-20211023142427

Lineage only make builds available for devices which are officially supported in the last two or three Android versions. So currently you can download builds for

  • Android 13 / LOS 20
  • Android 12 / S / LOS 19.1
  • Android 11 / R /LOS 18.1

I expect that LOS will soon stop making 18.1 builds, abd devices that cannot be upgraded will drop out of support. When that happens, the 18.1 builds will no longer be available from Lineage OS

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