I was very happy to see that the phone booted into e/os/ but unfortunately it’s not usable as it’s very unstable. You can’t connect to wifi (it shows networks but can’t connect to it) and after you lock the screen, on next unlock phone restarts.
I will try changing some settings to make to more stable or use another kernel. I will update if there’s any progress.
I just realized that I build on an /e/OS-S environment where I still had patches applied for another device.
So I build again without those patches. Not sure if this had an impact, but please try (I overwrite the old ROM):
Still the same, wifi refuses to connect and phone still restarts after every unlock/wake.
But I can see that cable connection works properly now (in previous builds it didn’t).
Thanks for trying, it’s so frustrating.
What I’ve tried so far:
changing firmware to the latest (May 2024. security patch) and binary from A to C
building e/os/ upon another lineage 19 gsi (it boots but has the same problems - that way I know that problem is in system itself and not boot, recovery, vbmeta, dtbo or any other ROM file)
dirty flashing over working Lineage 20 (from initial post)
changing Kawa kernel versions
using all the different recoveries that I coud find (TWRP, Lineage, Crdroid)
One question please - how come it’s S version of e/os/ when the source is T (Lineage 20)? Why reverting one version back?
Well, the device doesn’t restart anymore so that’s good.
But the deal breaker is that the screen remains black after the first lock. I can hear that the phone is still working because of notifications plus connecting cable still works and taking screenshots.
I spent many hours trying to make it work, I tried all bineries and all have the exact same problems.
Thanks @ronnz98 for all the builds, I’m willing to keep trying to make it work.
So after many trials and errors, it turns out that the problem was the thing that was bothering me from the beginning - e/os/ is Android 12 (S or Snow Cone) but sources are from Lineage 20 which is Android 13 (T or Tiramisu).
Some installed apps are requiring API level 33 (android 13) but API level in e/os/ is only 32 (android 12) and that’s the reason for instability and restarts. I managed to partly get around it by enabling developer options and disabling app that are incompatible from adb.
I removed Bliss launcher and installed Apex and after that you can use home screen without problems. After I removed settings app (com.android.settings), phone became stable.
But unfortunately, you can’t install “right” settings app as when you try Android 12 Settings app, it gets rejected because it’s considered a downgrade. If you try Android 13 settings app, you can’t installed as API required is 33. So you can’t change any settings.
Question for Mr. @ronnz98 - is it possible to build e/os/ T?
Also, if anyone has any idea or suggestions on how to install settings app, that would also fix this rom and make it 100% usable.
My next idea is installing some version of Lineage19 GSI image and try to dirty flash @ronnz98 system image over it.
I will post an update if that’s succesful.
I’ve been using Lineage OS 20 on my A21s for quite some time now and it’s very stable, never had a reboot etc… The only thing is bluethoot doesn’t work and the fingerprint.
/e/ OS on this basis would be great, but I know @ronnz98 tried it and it didn’t work.