[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (treltexx) for /e/OS-R

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for /e/OS r-1.16beta

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (treltexx)

Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at you own risk! Untestet and Unsupported build.
Please support the developer(s)!


Update for /e/OS-R-1.17:

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Update for /e/OS-R 1.18:


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Update for /e/OS-R 1.20:


UPDATE: I deleted this file-please use newer one below

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Hello. All builds starting with 1.18 and later show black screen and do not boot. Please fix. SM-N910C.
Stock camera does not work in 1.17.

I did use different sources for recent build. Now I did use the sources I did use for builds up to 1.18r.
Please try:



Update for /e/OS-R 1.21:


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hello there is a bug is this build and if i contact the phone in the pc the phone keeps open the recent file all the time and please increase the sound also add a new kernel that reduce the battery consuming also try to built on nav bar and try to add edge bar for s pine

thanks in advance

Please reach out to the developers, I build this ROM but I’m not the developer


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ok can you at less fix the problem of your rom ?

No I can’t. Try other custom ROMS if they have fewer bugs. If sources are updated for Galaxy Note 4 or next /e/OS version is released some of the bugs might be fixed

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Retail Branding Marketing Name Device Model product
Samsung Galaxy Note4 tre3g SM-N910H treltexx
Samsung Galaxy Note4 trelte SM-N910C treltexx
Samsung Galaxy Note4 treltektt SM-N910K treltexx
Samsung Galaxy Note4 treltelgt SM-N910L treltexx
Samsung Galaxy Note4 trelteskt SM-N910S treltexx
Samsung Galaxy Note4 trhplte SM-N910U treltexx

Please check 1.21 version. Some guys say that camera does not work (again), but works in 1.20.
I did not test myself, though (it is not my main device now, but I enjoy it sometimes).

Please try newest version:


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I flashed /e/ os 2.0 above 1.20 using “dirty” flashing (without factory reset). Camera and fingerprint still work, seems that everything is ok.

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Final update for /e/OS-R 2.2:


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very nice i’ll try it and tell you what i found but why you don’t use google play

fix the camera it’s doesn’t rescored video

Can you try Footej Camera or recent build:

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@ronnz98 I have shared Note 4 topics from this forum to Note 4 lovers so that more people can use your work, hope it is OK with you, as I guess such an effort has to be known for more people who will surely appreciate your nice work, like I do. Expect more fans & keep up ur great work! Much appreciated!