[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy S 5 (klte) for /e/OS-S

Samsung Galaxy S 5 (klte) for /e/OS-S 2.6

Update: working version now pasted here.


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!


My S5 (klte) could not cope with system change from e-2.6.3-t-20241220-UNOFFICIAL-klte to e-2.6-s-20241220-UNOFFICIAL-klte and became inoperable. Only the installation of a Samsung Android firmware revived it. I haven’t seen Marshmallow (Android 6.0.1) for a long time :grin:

I was unable to install recovery-e-2.6-s-20241220-UNOFFICIAL-klte. After the recovery.img was converted to recovery.tar.md5 and flashed with Odin3, the red Odin3 message FAILED! was displayed. The installation of twrp-3.7.0_9-0-klte.img.tar then worked.

The flashing of e-2.6-s-20241220-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip was okay, but after the reboot the same bootloop scenario as mentioned above = bootloop!

:white_check_mark: Works: e-1.21-r-20240323388943-dev-klte (community) + twrp-3.7.0_9-0-klte

:white_check_mark: Works: lineage-21.0-20240423-UNOFFICIAL-klte by @khalvat + twrp-3.7.0_9-0-klte

:interrobang: Galaxy S5 (klte) + /e/OS-U :interrobang:

Can you try something like :

Using Odin From stock to flash the “twrp.tar”,
Using TWRP to install the recovery-e.img
Using the recovery-e to finally install the main /e/.zip
Apply a factory-reset if /e/ is not booting

I could at least fix the remaining few building issues I had for klte. Does not mean that it will actually work now, but one step closer.
Currently uploading the ROMs to Sourceforge…

here you go:

If this still not works I only have one idea left


@piero, of course I had tried all of this - without success! The S5 (klte) was my first smartphone, which I had degoogled for the first time over five years ago. I know it very well, and - it has survived all modifications. It’s as if it was unbreakable …


Galaxy S5 (klte) with TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-klte

Install of e-2.6-s-20241221-UNOFFICIAL-klte-recovery.img = Failed
TWRP message: Size of image is larger than target device

Install of e-2.6-s-20241221-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip via TWRP
TWRP message: Successful

e-2.6-s-20241221 boots, but again bootloop scenario as already experienced. Next attempt: e-2.6.3-t-20241221…

The brothers and sisters of the Galaxy S5 (klte) are also hoping for a makeover: S5 Plus (kccat6), S5 Neo (s5neolte) and Note 3 LTE (hlte). They wait sadly when I tell them that there is little hope of improvement … :cry:

For the S5 Plus (kccat6) there is nothing after A9 (Pie), and no further development.
For the S5 Neo (s5neolte ) stay tuned :slight_smile:
In terms of the Note 3 LTE there is development, I think I will try a build when Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (ha3g) LOS19 builds are more mature

Two versions build now, please try both:




/e/Recovery is the same size as yesterday’s.


I could not install it:

Also, the recovery-e-2.6.3-s crippled my Galaxy S5 (klte)…

By the way: The download speed of sourceforge .net is once again very slow today. It can take up to 40 minutes before a .zip is available - if the download is not interrupted.



The e-recovery is still too large (18.279 KB) and therefore cannot be installed correctly.

Restoring via stock firmware is as time-consuming as building your ROM. That’s why, for once, I stick to one of the “great wisdoms” of computer science «Never Change A Running System» and prefer your /e/OS-T 2.6.3

@ronnz98, e-recovery of T-build is only 13.787 KB in size. Can you change anything?

And don’t know how. Can you try TWRP or LOS recovery for this device please

T-Recovery refuses the installation because …

Signatur verification failed > Install anyway? >> Yes

ERROR: recovery: Denying OTA because it’s a SPL downgrade
Install completed with status 1.
Instattion aborted.

:white_check_mark: Trial with TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-klte
Before flashing, I removed the file recovery.img (e-S-2.6.3-recovery) from your *.zip file, and …

:white_check_mark: Yeah! -e-2.6.3-s-20241222-UNOFFICIAL-klte-B is running …!!!


This means that LOS19 builds with LOS-UL sources are also possible.

Thank You for this ROM, installed it from scratch after TWRP format and wipe.
e-2.6.3-s-20241222-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip -encryption works and I will post updates as they go.

You can even use /e/OS-T version… and potentially also in near future /e/OS-U when I get it running

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I can report any test, feel free to task for any functionality.

Have look over here:

Having to do this, is a :triangular_flag_on_post:
I want to keep my TWRP at all times, as I can do many things with it, when I’m nowhere near a PC.