[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy S9 (starqltechn) & S9+ (star2qltechn) & Note 9 (crownqltechn) for Snapdragon series for /e/OS-T

Samsung Galaxy S9 (starqltechn) & S9+ (star2qltechn) & Note 9 (crownqltechn) for Snapdragon series for /e/OS-T 2.7

Not tested! Might not boot…




Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

not boot , i tested,

Which ROM you did test?


ok. thanks for your feedback. I used LOS19 for the S9+ because I did not find newer ones. The highest chance to work hast the S9 build

Thanks I will go back to the previous version

Thanks for the detailed information. What really helps for building is a manifest file and some building instructions. Then I can build a ROM for testing, I think the A13 is worth testing…

Ok, another try, sources are slighly different now:





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Thanks for keeping the S9 Snapdragon Alive @ronnz98 !
I’m using your 2.3-t Build on mine and its working ok, some bugs and hiccups here and there but it seems that this device still have a lot of life on it!

Will test the new builds and report back! If you need a tester I can help!

Flashed the e-2.9-t-20250323-UNOFFICIAL-starqltechn.zip and got stuck at Galaxy Bootlogo with Set warranty bit: Kernel,
doesnt go any further than that.

Used TWRP 3.7


Did you perform a clean install?

Please try this one, I used different kernel now:



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I’ve did a clean install, before I was on /e/os 2.3-t.
I’m getting problems with data mount on my TWRP after any rom Flash, it seems that data partition start giving erros after a reboot from system.

Will give it a try when I got back home, thanks!

Ps.: I believe this error (stuck at Set Warranty Bit: Kernel) is a common problem with Android 13 based roms on SD845 devices, at least the S9. I’ve tryed another rom before and got the same issue.
Mind to tell whats the difference between the kernels used to build this one?
Thanks again!

I can share the kernel sources for both.
Does the new ROM also not work?
Where did you get /e/OS-T 2.3 for this device? I did not make this build…

Got it from here:
[UNOFFICIAL BUILDS] Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+ (Snapdragon) for /e/OS-S - #4 by ronnz98 (was 2.3-s , sorry)

I need to get home and do a backup of some stuff before testing, will report back in a couple of hours if it boots.

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Nope, still doesnt boot.

Stuck at Set Warranty Bit: Kernel.

Tried flashing through TWRP and with sideload.
No error at flashing, but when rebooting TWRP it shows “No OS Installed” after sucessful flash.

it is an expected message, when installing a custom android for the first time on a device,
if the flash was successfull, you generally can boot to system, despite the false “No OS Installed” warning.

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Yep, thought that also, but it just get stuck at boot screen, so its a no go, at least for the moment.
Let’s hope @ronnz98 finds a way :smile:

Please try this:
Post in thread ‘[CLOSED][ROM][13][starqltechn/star2qltechn/crownqltechn] LineageOS 20.0 for Samsung Galaxy S9, S9+ and N9 [UNOFFICIAL]’

Well, I’ve tried to follow the instructions on the thread, but saddly OP had removed any useful links to download and the thread is closed for further replies.
Looking further it seems that SD845 development discussions are gone from XDA to Telegram Groups, they have guides for GSI Roms and fixes for bluetooth, for instance, but saddly, the GSI builds needs to have a Permissive Kernel to boot and that makes the device less usable in my case as a daily driver.

I’ll post here the guide to get a GSI rom working on the S9/S9+/N9 - starqltechn, star2qltechn, crownqltechn, but I cant say that this will work for everyone:

I’m doing this in order to save some info for future reference and in hopes that maybe we can have a GSI /e/OS build running on the SD845. Please, if this breaks any rules PM me and I’ll make the necessary changes to the topic

As taken from the Galaxy845Legacy Telegram Group:

To install GSIs on Samsung Galaxy S9/S9+ and Note9 sdm845, follow the steps below:

Choose and download your desired GSI: (Generic System Image (GSI) list · TrebleDroid/treble_experimentations Wiki · GitHub)

For Android 15 GSI’s these are the recommended/ tested builds in case you want to try: Android 15 GSI SD845

The info needed to flash then correctly is in the link.

Extract the file using a file manager like Zarchiver (or any other of your preference). The extracted file should be in .img format.

  • Place the .img file in an easily accessible location, such as internal storage, SD card, or OTG.
  • Boot into recovery mode (it’s recommended to use TWRP).
  • In the TWRP Wipe tab, select the options to wipe data, system, cache, and dalvik.
  • Go to the Install tab.
  • Select Install Image and choose the GSI you extracted.
  • Select the system image partition and flash the GSI.
  • After installing the GSI, you can install a custom kernel of your choice. (The one recomended is this one by andrey0800770: KernelSU+SuSFS → Sometimes Required in order to boot! (If not boot, flash first the kernel so it modifies the partitions needed, then flash the GSI)
  • Perform a format data (optional).
  • Reboot.

Hope this will help anyone looking for further updates to the device.
Still everything a bit yanky, but maybe with this knowledge we can make it boot.

About the /e/OS
Even flashing the boot.img from LineageOS 20 through TWRP, after Flashing /e/os 2.9-t (as suggested in the thread), still stuck at Set Warranty Bit: Kernel.

same problem here.
mine also cant boot :frowning: