[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] TEST BUILD Oreo/e/ Nexus 9 [flounder wifi]

NOTE Use at your on risk. This is a TEST BUILD as I do not have the wifi Nexus 9. Do a full backup before installing.
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Updated 14th June with June Android Patch

June 24th update

I made a Nougat build for this device (flounder) and for the flounder_lte.

Why Nougat ? Because it’s officially supported by LineageOS, and not Oreo so at least there is one build for this device we are sure it works correctly. But try the Oreo build first.

TWRP : https://dl.twrp.me/flounder/

Don’t forget to backup and share your experience, thanks :wink:

I just compiled my own ROM for flounder wifi. I have tested it and it works perfectly, except for sending screen (I think this happens with most Custom ROMs).
I have compiled the oreo version, because there are sources in LineageOS with that version (15.1). In fact, there are sources in LineageOS for the pie version (16.0), but it fails me with sepolicy and I can’t fix it.

I advise not to use TWRP, instead use the previous version

The structure of the roomservice.xml is as follows:

<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_htc" path="vendor/htc" remote="github" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_htc_flounder" path="device/htc/flounder" remote="github" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_htc_flounder" path="kernel/htc/flounder" remote="github" />

I tried to install e-0.9-n-20200703-UNOFFICIAL-flounder yesterday.
It’s working well for now.

Thank you very much.