[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] TESTING! Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 LTE (gts3llte, SM-T825)] / Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 WiFi (gts3lwifi, SM-T820)] for eOS-U

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 LTE (gts3llte, SM-T825)] / Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 WiFi (gts3lwifi, SM-T820)] for eOS-U 2.7

For testing purposes first.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 WiFi (gts3lwifi, SM-T820)]

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 LTE (gts3llte, SM-T825)]

Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
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Starting basis:

TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-no_encryption-gts3llte 20230924 by @Awesometic
e-2.4-s-20241013-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte by @ronn98 Info: { LTE works }

What’s not working > lineage-21.0-20240309-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip

What’s not working

  • LTE (SM-T825)
  • SELinux permissive
  • Data encryption
    • FDE deprecated since Android 13
    • FBE unsupported

1st test result

TWRP reports a successful, flawless installation.

System immediately starts in Samsung Download mode (‘Downloading… Do not turn off target’) without the e logo being displayed = e-2.7-u-20250127 is not functional.

Cross check

TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-no_encryption-gts3llte 20230924 by @Awesometic
e-2.7-t-20250110-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte :crown: signed dev-keys :crown: by @ronnz98

Syst/e/m starts and can be set up.

WLAN / Wi-Fi > works
IMEI > unknown

Replacing the SIM card does nothing. Even when restarting the Syst/e/m, no SIM pin is requested because the 4G LTE modem is not recognised.

Thanks for testing!
Can someone also test the S3 Tab Wifi please.

Starting basis:

TWRP 3.7.0_9.0-no_encryption-gts3lwifi (2023-11-16) by @Awesometic
e-2.2-t-20240804-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi by @ronnz98

1st test result

TWRP reports a successful, flawless installation.

I expected nothing better than with device gts3llte. System immediately starts via Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Logo in Samsung Download mode (‘Downloading… Do not turn off target’) without the e logo being displayed = e-2.7-u-20250127 is not functional.

Cross check

TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-no_encryption-gts3lwifi (2023-11-16) by @Awesometic
e-2.7-t-20250111-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi :crown: signed dev-keys :crown: by @ronnz98

e-2.7-t Syst/e/m starts and can be set up.
WLAN / Wi-Fi > works

1 Like

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 WiFi (gts3lwifi, SM-T820)

e-2.7-u-20250127-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi.zip by @ronnzz98

Test starting basis:

TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-no_encryption-gts3lwifi (2023-11-16) by @Awesometic
e-2.7-t-20250111-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi :crown: signed dev-keys :crown: by @ronnz98
:ballot_box_with_check: e-2.7-t Syst/e/m starts and can be set up. WLAN / Wi-Fi > works

1st test result

Dirty flash installation:

TWRP reports a successful, flawless installation.

System immediately starts via Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Logo in Samsung Download mode (‘Downloading… Do not turn off target’) without the e logo being displayed = -2.7-u-20250127 is not functional.

2st test result

Clean flash installation:

TWRP reports a successful, flawless installation.

System immediately starts via Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 Logo in Samsung Download mode (‘Downloading… Do not turn off target’) without the e logo being displayed = -2.7-u-20250127 is not functional.

This is the main error I get… any idea?

[ 33% 9/27] Target system fs image: out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
FAILED: out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
/bin/bash -c "(mkdir -p out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/ out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates && rm -rf out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"system_size=4194304000\" >>  out/target/prod
uct/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"system_selinux_fc=out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/ETC/file_contexts.bin_intermediates/file_contexts.bin\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"building_system_i
mage=true\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"ext_mkuserimg=mkuserimg_mke2fs\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"fs_type=ext4\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGIN
G/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"extfs_sparse_flag=-s\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"erofs_sparse_flag=-s\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (ec
ho \"squashfs_sparse_flag=-s\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"f2fs_sparse_flag=-S\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"avb_avbtool=avbtool\" >>  out/target/product/gts3ll
te/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"avb_system_hashtree_enable=false\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"avb_system_add_hashtree_footer_args=\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_i
ntermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"root_dir=out/target/product/gts3llte/root\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo \"skip_fsck=true\" >>  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (so
rt -o  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt  out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (PATH=out/host/linux-x86/bin/:system/extras/ext4_utils/:\$PATH out/host/linux-x86/bin/build_image --input-directory-filter-fi
le out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/file_list.txt out/target/product/gts3llte/system out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt out/target/product/gts3llte/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/gts3llte/s
ystem || ( mkdir -p \${DIST_DIR}; cp out/target/product/gts3llte/installed-files.txt \${DIST_DIR}/installed-files-rescued.txt; exit 1 ) )"
vendor/rfs/msm/adsp/: not normalized
13:04:04 ninja failed with: exit status 1
There was 1 action that completed after the action that failed. See verbose.log.gz for its output.