Moving links for all unofficial /e/ builds for tablets under one topic.
Here Im gonna build unofficial /e/ roms for every single device supported by LineageOS you can find my unofficial build for Asus ZenPad 8.0 (Z380KL) (P024)
Here you can find my unofficial Nougat build for Google Nexus 10 (manta) Tablet Unofficial Builds for Lineage Supported Devices
cool! on which device is this??
Google Nexus 10 (manta)
@amitkma How could we improve the launcher for use with tablets? (occupy whole screen, slightly bigger icons…)
it looks pretty amazing to me!!
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 tablet which has an old CyanogenMod OS (12.1.20161007, equivalent to Android 5.1.1), which is no longer supported, and is getting increasingly unreliable. I’d be interested in testing a version of /e/ on it, if anyone can come up with one for me to try out. Please let me know.
that device ?
Here Unofficial Builds for Lineage Supported Devices you can find my unofficial nougat and oreo builds for Google Nexus Player (fugu) Set top box, so /e/ possible even on that kind of devices.
Thanks for pointing this out, but I wanted to ask if there’s something
that’s not obvious that I needed to do to download it. I clicked on
several different “download” options on that “MEGA” site, and never
could get anything to download. Thanks for your help–
Jim Bearden
Hi, could you add a build for LG G PAD 8.4 (v500) ?
Thanks! That worked-- I’ll be trying it out (working my way through the
installation instructions) and posting any results I get–
Jim Bearden
I can build for this device its v500 but not 8.4 its 8.3
Hello !
For information, i have just successfully installed, on my (old) Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, Lineage OS 14.1 (unofficial).
It is under android nougat and it works perfectly.
So, if Lineage OS works, /e/ should work…
Best regards
which one you have or ?
It is :
Samsung Galaxy Tab2 7.0 wifi (P3110)
well, i tried to build for it, but its only android 6 availiable and nougat build failed.