[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] (Updated) Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact (lilac) e-1.5.1-s-20221110

Latest unofficial / custom Android 12 / S build, built from the v1.12.3-s tag is available here:


I dirty flashed it over the 1.11-s build with no obvious problems

Sadly, due to my incompetence, this build is signed with public / test keys, and does not include the ‘Use Trebuchet as launcher / home sreen’ fix. I probably won’t have time to do another build to fix that, so if either of those things are imporatnt to you, then I suggest you don’t update now, and wait until the v1.13 build comes around. Sorry!

Release notes are available here


The official 1.12.3-r built hasn’t shown it’s face here yet. I’ll post again when it does