[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus) for /e/OS-T

Xiaomi Mi 9 (cepheus) for /e/OS-T 1.17


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

Hey ronnz98,
the Mi 9 (cepheus) has been well maintained for years (from Android 10) until today iodéOS 4.9 (Android 13) by iodé.tech chief developer @vince31fr. Official ‘stable’ iodéOS is like /e/OS based on LineageOS.

[ROM][cepheus][A13] iodéOS = LineageOS 20 + MicroG + adblocker
device tree cepheus
kernel cepheus

Don’t you want to build a new /e/OS-T v1.19.1 ROM?

PS: Member @petefoth has been building iodéOS ROMs for Sony devices for a while.

Update for /e/OS-T 1.20 (beta):


Hey @ronnz98 you & your AMD Threadripper are

The absolute madness

The absolute madness by Amigos
"You are the reason why I can’t sleep
I think of you day and night"

What code base is your ROM built on?

I do not have AMD Threadtripper but two 16 core AMDs :slight_smile:

Please see sources an here:

Starting point

I come from a fully functional …

:white_check_mark: works perfectly : iodéOS 4.9

Next step

Successful installation step by step as described by XDA Recognized Developer @SebaUbuntu

:white_check_mark: lineage-20.0-20240120-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus

Next step

:white_check_mark: Successful installation of e-recovery e-1.20-t-20240204-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus by @ronzz98

:sos: Then two install attempts, two aborted installs:

  1. After installing the e-recovery via adb sideload e-1.20-t-20240204-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip by @ronnz98
    :x: Installation aborted - Status 1.

  2. After installing the e-recovery via
    fastboot wipe-super lineage-20.0-20240120-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus-super_empty.img
    :x: Resizing ‘system’ - FAILED (remote: ‘Not enough space to resize partition’)

Now I’m back on iodéOS 4.9 and everything is running like a charm.

ich habe versucht deine 2 Versionen 1.17… sowie 1.20… zu Flashen auf dem mi 9, leider ohne Erfolg.

ich habe die recovery aus deinem erstellten Version genommen. bei ADB sideload kommt immer Fehler status 1, Installation abgebrochen. auch bei Twrp das gleiche kein Erfolg.

in dem link von dir bei der Installation Anleitung funktioniert das lineage 19 ohne Fehler bei der Installation.

falls noch mal eine neue Version kommen sollte, kann ich es gern noch mal testen.


i tried your 2 versions 1.17… and 1.20… to flash on the mi 9, unfortunately without success.

I took the recovery from your created version. at ADB sideload always comes error status 1, installation terminated. also at Twrp the same no success.

in the link of you with the installation instructions, the lineage 19 works without errors during installation.

If there’s a new version, I can try it again.

Any better with this version?

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okay, I’ll try. I give them a feedback :slight_smile:

No! I made three installation attempts. All three failed.

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi 9
Device CodeName: cepheus
Version of OS which existed previously: iodéOS 4.9 (A13)
Version of Recovery which existed previously: TWRP 3.7.0_12 (retrofit) (recommended by crDroid)
My device is Not rooted

1st try

  • Installation of e-Recovery successful (unpacked from *.zip file)
  • Installation of e-2.3-t-20240908-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip failed

Failure message in the e-Recovery

Install completed with status 1.
Installation aborted.


2nd try

  • Installation of TWRP 3.7.0_12_0 successful
  • Installation of e-2.3-t-20240908-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip failed

Failure messages TWRP 3.7.0_12 retrofit (left image) - TWRP 3.7.0_12 (right image)

3rd try

  • Installation of TWRP 3.7.0_12_0 (retrofit) successful
  • Installation of e-2.3-t-20240908-UNOFFICIAL-cepheus.zip failed

Now I’m back at iodéOS 4.15 with iode-recovery 4.15
Everything works fine incl. Internal update

hey @ronnz98

genau der selbe Fehler 1 bei Installation über ADB sideload. getestet mit recovery aus lineage und deine aus dem e/os.

der Fehler ist bei beiden gleich siehe Screenshot.


exactly the same error 1 when installing via ADB sideload. tested with recovery from lineage and your from the e/os.

the error is the same for both see screenshot.

Hey @Xxpsilon

yes iodéOS 4.15 works. but have you tested a factory reset after installation in iodéOS 4.15? you will wonder what happens. :slight_smile:

Oh yes, you’re right, the result is astonishing.

Can't load Android system. Your data may be corrupt. ...
Try again
Factory data reset

But I have already encountered this error on various devices, especially with /e/OS ROMs, but also with earlier versions of Mi 9 iodéOS and LineageOS. The cause lies in the faulty source code of LineageOS.

Now I have used as recovery: PixelExperience_cepheus-13.0-20221127-0218-OFFICIAL.img. The reinstallation of iodéOS 4.15 is successful. A factory reset is also successful, which means that it is carried out correctly and there are none of the error messages mentioned above.

Please try it out and share your experience with us.

Please try this ROM:


I used different sources now:

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okay, I’ll try it later. I give you again a feedback :slight_smile:

yes I use the recovery of lineage at the moment and it works with factory reset. but e/os I prefer to find this design and options fake gps… better :slight_smile:

Hey @ronnz98

Du bist der beste du hast es geschaft e/os auf das mi9 zu bringen. :slight_smile:

Installation ohne probleme alles ok :slight_smile:

Ich teste noch das system schreib dann nochmal.

Siehe screenshot


You’re the best you’ve got to bring it to the mi9. :slight_smile:

Installation without problems everything ok :slight_smile:

I’ll test the system and write it again.

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The download is very slow right now, but I will try to install it.

here is a pre-taste :slight_smile:

happy flashing :slight_smile:

hey @ronnz98

habe alle standard apps getestet alles ohne Fehler.

Fingerabdruck Scanner ok
Hotspot ok
sim Karte ok anrufe, internet
Kamera ok
fake GPS, tracker blocker, IP verstecken, alles ok
GPS ok

ich hab bis jetzt keinen Fehler gefunden. :slight_smile:

ich teste es länger als täglichen begleiter.

sollte ich einen Fehler finden, werde ich es mitteilen.

super tolle Arbeit für diesen Traum von e/os. :slight_smile: :+1:


have tested all standard apps without errors.

Fingerprint scanner ok
Hotspot ok
sim Map ok call, internet
Camera ok
fake GPS, tracker blocker, IP hide, everything okay
GPS ok
WiFi ok

I haven’t found a mistake yet. :slight_smile:

I test it longer than daily companions.

If I find a mistake, I’ll tell you.

super great work for this dream of e/os. :slight_smile: :+1:

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