I hope I’m in the right place.
I would like to thank the person or team who built this unofficial /e/OS for the MI 9T.
I no longer have any problems with my bank’s app.
Bravo and many thanks for what you do.
I hope I’m in the right place.
I would like to thank the person or team who built this unofficial /e/OS for the MI 9T.
I no longer have any problems with my bank’s app.
Bravo and many thanks for what you do.
Hello, I have a question.
In the post above where you detail the installation of version 1.18-t-20231210, you write: “then move *.zip file to a USB-C stick using e-Dateimananger.”
What is e-Dateimananger?
Is it an app?
Thanks for the answer.
Dateimanager is the German word for Filemanager
Oh right, thanks for the info. It’s clearer.
First of all thanks for /e/OS and the davinci-build! @ronnz98 is there a 1.20 build planned?
Yes, will plan to build for 1.20 when final
Update for /e/OS-T 1.20:
The last update works well, but i get this VoLTE (i think) icon
When i activate 4G Calling. There is no toggle to hide it on Settings → Status bar → System icons
Do you know how i could hide it without deactivating 4G calling entirely ?
Thank you for this update.
Is there a step-by-step tutorial to install this update?
Thank you for your answers.
Please see here:
Please check in the XDA forum for this device:
Update done and it went very well.
I’m a bit apprehensive, but everything worked fine.
Thank you very much.
Are you planning a new version soon?
If so, do you have a date?
Thank you for your reply.
No since the device is offcially supported by eOS
Ah, I thought that was the case before, wasn’t it?
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