[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 (perseus)

Great, so the code is still there taking up space in what is now a huge ROM, but can’t be used as intended (i.e. as default Launcher and Home screen). If it is not wanted, then remove it: if it is wanted then don’t disable it in the UI :frowning:

Is it a side product of importing quickstep module from Launcher3 package seemed to appear when horizontal scrolling recent apps returned?

Hi !

New /e/ 0.20.6 Q ROM available :smile_cat:
(commits : Commits · v0.20.6-q · e / os / releases · GitLab).

Download : here .
MD5 : 6292473037931ac2e61f09c00549d3d2

NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again.

From a /e/ Q ROM you can only “dirty flash” then wipe cache + Dalvik.

To “clean” flash over another ROM or Android version (you will lose your data !) :

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed
  • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.5.2_9.0)
  • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
  • format Data
  • adb push zip file to /sdcard
  • install with TWRP

Feedback welcome !

I have raised this gitlab issue

At the moment users cannot use Trebuchet as their home app even though it is present in /e/OS


Thank you for this build smu44. Very grateful you ported /e/ to the mi mix 3.
The last build is great. Only small glitch is a white screen for several seconds when booting.
Otherwise all basic functions seems to work.
Do you plan to make it official someday?
Kudos and thank you

1 Like

Than you for your feedback :smile_cat: Very happy you like it !

I also noticed the white screen, as it’s fading I assumed that it is somehow wanted … not by me :wink:
I will build a 0.22q in a couple of weeks, we’ll see if it’s still there.

I offered to maintain this build officially, but it was postponed due to lack of feedback.

Great news, I use your build as a daily driver, and it’s fully functional.

There’s not so many good ROMs for the Mi Mix 3, and maybe few users know your build?.
Maybe posting on XDA or Telegram group could attract more users to try /e/, then more feedback :wink: ?

Anyway, thanks a lot and hopefully you could maintain this build officially soon :clap: :+1: :+1: :smile:

I use it as daily too, what makes testing a little more complicated (I have to switch to MiMix2 each time, copying everything I need) :wink:

I posted about this ROM in Mi MIX 3 Global Community TG channel some time ago, although it’s a very active community I didn’t get feedback …

Thank you for your kind support ! :smile_cat:

Hi !

New /e/ 0.22.3 Q ROM available :smile_cat:
(commits : Commits · v0.22.3-q · e / os / releases · GitLab ).

Download : here.
MD5 : e6023998a7c94ea2cda8fc59d446ffdd

There is also a new 3.6.1_9-0 TWRP ! :smile_cat:

NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again.

From a /e/ Q ROM, using TWRP you can only “dirty flash” then wipe cache + Dalvik.

To “clean” flash over another ROM or Android version (you will lose your data !) :

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed
  • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.5.2_9.0)
  • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
  • format Data
  • adb push zip file to /sdcard
  • install with TWRP

Feedback welcome !

Hi !

New /e/ 0.23.9 Q ROM available :smile_cat:
(commits : Commits · v0.23.9-q · e / os / releases · GitLab ).

Download : here .

NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again.

From a /e/ Q ROM, using TWRP you can only “dirty flash” then wipe cache + Dalvik.

To “clean” flash over another ROM or Android version (you will lose your data !) :

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed
  • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.1_9.0)
  • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
  • format Data
  • adb push zip file to /sdcard
  • install with TWRP

Feedback welcome !

As a side note, I attempted a R build, which failed on me :crying_cat_face:
I’ll retry when more free time will be available !

Hi @smu44
Thank you for your work!
I’m trying to install one of your compiles firmwares but I’m stuck in a boot loop with the mix logo.
I tried all combinations of wipe, twerp versioned and install sequence (starting always from a fresh install of latest mi mix 3 global firmware) but none of them worked properly.
Have you ever faced this issue? Any hint on how might it be solved?

Thank you very much

Hi @ghost !

Thanks :smile_cat:

Sorry for the problem you’re facing :frowning:

As far as I remember: the only time I’ve had a boot loop was when I forgot to FORMAT data partition, trying to install an Arrow ROM.
If I remember well, at this time I was using 3.5.2_9-0 TWRP.

What gives an attempt with Arrow 11, over latest China firmware ?
Please note: link above is firmware only, not full MIUI (you can flash it from within TWRP)

Did you try to go back to full MIUI from mi-globe.com or official ?
Please note: you may have to unlock your device again after applying these ROM

I’ll be happy to provide further help, including bringing back my perseus to MIUI and go step-by-step from there.
In this case, please open a new thread here

Thank you very much!
The factory reset and reboot before flashing worked for me :blush:

Glad you succeeded ! :smile_cat:

Once V1 will be stabilized (I’ll wait for 1.1 :wink: ), I’ll try to build a new Q ROM, and retry for R …

Hi !

I am finally back with a new 1.2 Android 11 (R) version :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost : https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=15664248565197206788
Please check md5 after download !

What's inside

1.2 release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.2-r
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.2-r

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

:tada: GPS is now fully working !

OpenCamera (included) will manage slider & front camera correctly

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (tested with Android 10 (Q)), just flash it over as usual, don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.2-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:"perseus-hax"+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from https://github.com/josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod)

Who loves ya, @smu44?
Thank you very much for building this /e/OS-R!

Previously I had installed by necessity crDroid v7.9 (Android 11) with subsequently installed MicroG along with TWRP 3.4.0-10 by mauronofrio. It ran fine, but of course I immediately switched to /e/OS.

The first impression is excellent. The most important applications work right away: Sl(!)ider Camera, Dual Main Camera,Wi-Fi, Dual SIM (both SIM cards are recognized immediately) - also the additionally installed camera apps Sercure Camera (GrapheneOS) and HedgeCam 2 Advanced Camera.

Credits: @smu44 /e/foundation MicroG LineageOS

1 Like

You’re very welcome :smiley_cat:
That’s the least I could do for this excellent device …

And thank you for your feedback!

You may notice a little problem with Secure Camera: when triggered with the slider, it won’t switch to front and use back (you can however switch manually).
Didn’t know HedgeCam 2, will try, thanks! :slight_smile:

As a side note: I noticed a longer battery life, comparing to previous Q builds. But it may be environnement-related (one of the network providers I use installed a closer relay).

HedgeCam 2 based on Open Camera like the /e/ camera app, but offers even more features in parts. The in-app purchases only hide a donation to the developer.

I’ve forwarded your /e/OS-R CustumROM. I was told that the download is currently unavailable. I’ve checked that. Unfortunately it is true.

Uncaught Error

Warning: PDO::prepare(): SQLSTATE[00000]: No error: PDO constructor was not called in /web/libs/classes/SqlCache.php on line 11

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function execute() on null in /web/libs/classes/SqlCache.php:16 Stack trace: #0 /web/libs/classes/SqlCache.php(40): SqlCache::runSql('SELECT pref_nam...') #1 /web/libs/classes/System.php(1308): SqlCache::getCachedSql('SQL_CACHE_SYSTE...', 'SELECT pref_nam...', 60) #2 /web/libs/classes/System.php(11): System->update() #3 /web/libs/global.inc.php(123): System->__construct('live') #4 /web/index.php(3): require_once('/web/libs/globa...') #5 {main} thrown in /web/libs/classes/SqlCache.php on line 16

Can you please check it out?!

AndroidFileHost is a lame old donkey :frowning:

You will find a mirror here: Jaguar Network - Share
MD5 = CBC60B604426FBC8680879E927C5EB34

That error often goes away if you refresh the page in the browser