[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 (perseus)

Hi !

New 1.3 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: e-1.3-r-20220905-UNOFFICIAL-perseus.zip | by smu44 for Mi Mix 3
JN mirror (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
MD5: d494e81138535549b8e7ca43059f11ef
SHA256: 946f4907da84dc7382c966ce45f420b21f2eea51a6c16f45087698d27baee354
Please check md5/sha256 after download !

What's inside

1.3 release details: v1.3-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.3.1-r · e / os / releases · GitLab

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (10/Q or 11/R), just flash it over as usual, don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.2-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:“perseus-hax”+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod)

Hi !

New 1.4 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: e-1.4-r-20221005-UNOFFICIAL-perseus.zip | by smu44 for Mi Mix 3
JN mirror (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
MD5: 7751BC89CFCA5AC6E18D34987095430D
SHA256: 2e6d85f7ebe386ab87d6bd65d178a13e5b095ee661ce7cfefd72d51069793a83
Please check md5/sha256 after download !

What's inside

1.3 release details: v1.4-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.4.1-r · e / os / releases · GitLab (didn’t see the new bootanimation :rofl: )

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (10/Q or 11/R), just flash it over as usual, don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.4.1-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:“perseus-hax”+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod)

Hi @smu44, you’re great 
 :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:

Thank you so much for staying on the ball and maintaining and cherishing this ROM.

Thank you very much :blush:

As I use this device as my daily driver, I find it normal to share my builds :wink:

Hi !

New 1.5 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: - none for the moment, AFH facing some issues 
 again -
JN share (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
MD5: 223EF1F4E5D4EF6C3C89AC6D0A63B2B6
SHA256: c386a598ae4f77926cbf848dc205e065b99e7fbe58bdd36cf3cb1b910b20a484
Please check md5/sha256 after download !

What's inside

1.5 release details: v1.5-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.5-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (10/Q or 11/R), just flash it over as usual, don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.5-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:“perseus-hax”+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod)

Hi @smu44, you’re so great 
 :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: Thank you very much for your /e/ROM.

Just because of your ‘perseus’ eROM I bought a mint Mi Mix 3 including the classy black square Xiaomi box for a very good friend yesterday and will degoogled /e/OS it as a gift. Hopefully by Christmas I’ll find enough time to finally do a more detailed functional test and share it here.

1 Like

Thank you @anon29344687 :smile_cat:

I’ll be happy to read your testings!

I’ll advice to buy a strong protection case : like all OLED screens this one don’t like shocks and is quite expensive.

Hi !

New 1.6 Android 11 (R) build, just in time for Christmas :christmas_tree:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: - none, I gave up with this :frowning:
JN share (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
SHA256: 9362e53074f49cfc5c7edc44ebe6e1fcdb89bf20ccc1c25082bb40e9d7690d21
Please check sha256 after download !

What's inside

1.6 release details: v1.6-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.6-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (10/Q or 11/R), just flash it over as usual, don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.6-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:“perseus-hax”+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)
1 Like

Hi !

New 1.7 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome ! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: e-1.7-r-20230128-UNOFFICIAL-perseus.zip | by smu44 for Mi Mix 3
JN share (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
SHA256: eb6eb2c9ecc2ada3ea56a845a62ca328bcb5b5c0105224d81c2ee75a2b4d34fd
Please check sha256 after download !

What's inside

Release details: v1.7-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.7-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.7-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk: add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk: comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from https://review.arrowos.net/q/topic:“perseus-hax”+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)
1 Like

AFH has been working fine for me for a while. Occasional downtime, but usualy back in a couple of days

I continue to have problems with files that I uploaded several months ago using the FTP upload functionality (which hasn’t been working for me for quite a long time). Using the normal Web upload functionality is still pretty slow, but it does seem to work OK (mostly :slight_smile: )

Thanks @petefoth :slight_smile:
I could upload the file to AFH Germany (average speed around 512 Mb/s), and updated my post.

Hi !

New 1.8.1 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: e-1.8.1-r-20230216-UNOFFICIAL-perseus.zip | by smu44 for Mi Mix 3
Please check md5 after download!
JN share (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
SHA256: 126359969f63accbc07d4a619e4de3153f86ecd2c005c714eb4642d700479263
Please check sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: v1.8-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits · v1.8.1-r · e / os / releases · GitLab
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.8.1-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk:
      • add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk:
      • comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from ArrowOS #10895 & #10896):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)
1 Like

Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 (perseus)

e-1.8.1-r-20230216-UNOFFICIAL-perseus by @smu44

:white_check_mark: TWRP 3.6.2_9.0
:white_check_mark: USB OTG
:white_check_mark: USB-C Stick 256GB
:white_check_mark: LAN via OTG adapter RJ45
:white_check_mark: Main Camera
:white_check_mark: Manual pop-up Slider camera (Selfie)
:white_check_mark: /e/ camera App
:white_check_mark: HedgeCam 2 Advanced Camera + Camera2-API
:white_check_mark: Secure camera (GraphenOS) + QR-Scan
:white_check_mark: Simple Camera (Tibor Kaputa by SimpleMobileTools)
:white_check_mark: GPS
:white_check_mark: 4G | LTE ((incoming and outgoing calls))
:white_check_mark: Wi-Fi
:white_check_mark: Bluetooth keyboard
:white_check_mark: Bluetooth headset
:white_check_mark: USB-C-to-USB-C headset (device speaker is switched off correctly)
:white_check_mark: 3.5mm jack headset via USB-C-to-3.5mm adapter (device speaker is correctly turned off)
:white_check_mark: 18W wired charging
:white_check_mark: 10W wireless charging
:white_check_mark: my SmartHome applications such as open-close garage door, control windows, doors & shutters

:clap: :+1: Thanks a lot for your excellent /e/OS ROM, @smu44


You’re very welcome @anon29344687, thanks a lot for your feedback :smile_cat:

I’m wondering what brand of OTG Ethernet (RJ45) adapter you use? I’ve got this one but never could make it to work :frowning:

@smu44, my experience is that there is no universal USB-C to LAN RJ45 adapter that works with every device and with every custom ROM.

Since there are a ton of different models, it’s a matter of luck to find one that works. I’ve several of these solo USB-C-to-LAN-RJ45 adapters, but they are all noname made in China, so I can’t tell you a brand.

The ‘perseus’ Samsung EE-MG950 DeX docking station - also works great with the Samsung Galaxy S8 with /e/OS. It doubles as a charging station for me and also offers two USB-A ports, e.g. for an external wired keyboard and mouse.

The existing LAN connection is indicated by this symbol in the upper right corner of Mi Mix 3 display [ <-> ]

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Thanks very much @anon29344687 :smiley_cat:
The Samsung model you mention would be perfect for me, I just ordered a refurbished one for 17.50€ :tada:

@smu44, an optimal power supply for the DeX Station is Samsung EP-TA800. It delivers the required 12V~2.1A as a Power Delivery (PD 2.0) charger via USB-C to USB-C cable.

The right charging cable for the set is important to ensure the maximum current flow, e.g. Samsung EP-DN970.

Thanks again for the tip, @anon29344687.
I have this (700 VA model) https://www.eaton.com/fr/fr-fr/catalog/backup-power-ups-surge-it-power-distribution/eaton-3s-gen2-ups.html, it should be enough? :wink:
As all the devices I plugged display “fast charging” (don’t know if it’s PD or QC, or both), I’ll give it a try

Found an english datasheet: https://www.eaton.com/content/dam/eaton/products/backup-power-ups-surge-it-power-distribution/backup-power-ups/eaton-3s-gen-2-ups---emea/eaton-3s-ups-datasheet-pa153011-en-gb-ld.pdf

@smu44, all the datasheets I could read about your Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) 3S700 do not show any specification of the two USB-A slots, except HID compatible USB port. This photo, however, says 2A. From this, I conclude that it offers a fixed 2A output (electrical amperage) and no variable voltages (volts). As an aside, Power Delivery (PD) is usually supported via USB-C-to-USB-C cable. You will soon know. The proof of the pudding is in the eating

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The DexStation works perfectly with Ethernet and USB (no HDMI output, not supported by the device), fast charging is on :smile_cat:

It came with a EP-TA20EBE power adapter which seems to do the job, but get a little warm

So I ordered a EP-TA800, on it’s way.
The DexStation never worked with my UPS’s USB power supply, that was expected after your last post :wink:

Cost summary (incl. taxes & port):

  • Samsung DexStation EE-MG950 (refurbished) from Cash Express: 17.50€
  • Samsung power supply EP-TA800 (new) from Cdiscount: 13.97€