[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (mido)

Ok, Thanks for the reply,

I installed 0.14 Q works fine. Many bugs of 0.13 are solved.

Only problem is I cant find Wifi- Direct. Can that be solved. can you suggest some ways to do that?

Thanks in advance

Goood work!
I hope they will publish an official version as good as this.

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I too hope for that.

A new Q-build for mido.
Thank you @anbuchelva for testing the rom.
Nevertheless be safe and make a backup first to save your data.

This is a build with kernel 4.9.
So for installing this build you’ll need either the latest TWRP or a modded KudProject-twrp like @SuzieQ mentioned a couple of post earlier. Flashing with OrangeFox Recovery R11.0-Stable is working too.


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Hi,m thanks for update

While installing it shows “incompitible zip format” invalild zip format. :frowning:

Try and download the zip file again. Maybe it’s corrupted. Sometimes the solution is to download with another browser. You’re the first one who didn’t manage to install the rom, so I’m curious if it’s the zip file on my side or you are doing something wrong on your side…
Anyone else having the same problem ? Please let us know…thnx

The following is my experience today, the end of which left me baffled. But now, reading @Zeno’s message, I see light at the end of the tunnel …

My ‘mido’ ran great with an unofficial LOS 18.1 cunstomROM.

To have a clean base for the @ ROM e-0.15-q-20210225-UNOFFICIAL-mido, first the stock Android 7.0 : mido_global_images_V11.0.2.0.NCFMIXM_20191107.0000.00_7.0_global was installed, then TWRP 3.5.0_9-0, followed by the January 2021 version e-0.14-q-20201223-UNOFFICIAL-mido. Everything okay, installation and first system boot successful…

And now a scenario unknown to me so far:

  1. /e/OS ‘Q’ update via TWRP 3.5.0_9-0 and “Install” e-0.15-q-20210225-UNOFFICIAL-mido. Failed!

  2. /e/OS ‘Q’ update via TWRP 3.5.0_9-0 and “adb sideload e-0.15-q-20210225-UNOFFICIAL-mido.img” Also Failed!

Screenshot Recovery

Screenshot e-0.15-q-20210225

eosqitc - Kopie

  1. I install alternatively OrangeFox Recovery R11.0-Stable-mido. Okay - ready.
  2. OrangeFox Recovery R11.0-Stable installed e-0.15-q-20210225-UNOFFICIAL-mido successfully!
  3. Now I ‘Wipe Caches’ and ‘Reboot System’.
  4. Everything ok. e-0.15-q-20210225 is there and working.

Strange, isn’t it?

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That’s really strange…
I’m glad you took the time to sort this out. I really have no idea where this comes from. I hope that @Zeno can successful install the rom now. Thank you @SuzieQ for investigating this issue. Great job.

Hi @itsclarence, you know that I really appreciate your work. You are the main actor, my supporting role can only be supportive in that I share any inconsistencies I notice. My statements are never intended as criticism of your work and should be as constrictive and clear as possible.

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I just asked @anbuchelva, who tested this build. He flashed it with However I’m not familiar with this particular recovery, maybe this helps users to install…

[RECOVERY][mido][msm-4.9] KudProject’s Unofficial TWRP 3.3.1-3 [28-05-2020]

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ok i will do it again.

I have this TWRP recovery installed. Can you please show me how to replace it with OrangeFox Recovery.???

This was just to give you feedback otherwise you are appreciated for what you are doing.

Unpack Orangefox and search for an .img file in zip file. Then in fastboot:
fastboot flash recovery extracted-orangefox-recovery.img

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Hi to all,
I first tried to install TWRP apk from Aurora store. But i couldnt open it. (Some apks like dictionaries and Banking apk doesnt work after intallation)
So compare OrangeFox with and TWRP and i found OrangeFox promising. I downloaded and then flash /e/ 0.15 Q.
And it is done.
Thanks to all.

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I think it is worth mentioning that this build is with kernel update to 4.9, and thus needs either latest twrp or modded kud-twrp… IIRC orange fox would work too…

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Yes @Chimpthepimp you’re absolutely right. Thank you for mentioning it.

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Well, TWRP 3.5.0_9-0 I used first is the current version of this custom recovery.

Likewise, OrangeFox Recovery R11.0-Stable installed that I used is the current version of this Custom Recovery.

By the way: UNOFFICIAL Lineage-18.1 (ROM OS Version Android 11.0.0_r29) I use as a daily driver also runs under Kernel Linux 4.9 with OrganeFox Recover - including working VoLTE.