Another S/Android 12 build for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10pro - sweet
A big thanks to pulkit077, whose sources have premitted me to assemble this rom.
- Please make sure you use the latest twrp version, 3.7.0-a12.0 to flash the ROM. - It is recommended to clean flash, for this device with dynamic partitioning, that means flash the rom and then format data. - If you are coming from a different vendor version please make sure to flash miui vendor first, accordingly to your region. - If you are coming from a different Android version make sure to rollback to android 12 firmware.
I have tested this rom the past 2 weeks myself and am happy about feedback or to assisst if needed.
hey bro why dont u add this rom to telegram note 10 pro updates group
if u will give me permission can i create a post and share it so that those who are intrested in it can flash it.
and there is a bug with bliss launcher (keeps resetting)
and internet connection isn’t stable
if its issue from my side i will let u know
i will flash it again to address this problem
About the bugs you are facing, i am not using bliss launcher so i can neither confirm nor deny that.
The internet on the other hand has been rocksolid for me also whilst traveling through multiple EU countries. Maybe try starting from ground zero and reflash some firmware?
Also a friend of mine, having the same phone, has not reported any of the described bugs.
If nothing else works, can you provide logs?
About it being posted in the update group, yeah you may go ahead, if anyone is interested in this ROM. So far i have not seen a big interest in anything alike outside of the /e/ communities.
Just please if you do forward a post there, let me read through before
thanks for creating this rom, it works like a charm the past few days.
I have just one small question, is it save to re-lock the bootloader while running /e/ on a Note 10 pro?
Prior to this i had it working with a LineageOS 19 Rom via “fastboot flashing lock”.
Having to setup the whole phone again would be no problem but a bricked device doesnt sound so appealing
As the 13 sources for e are not yet finished, my build attempts have failed so far. And i won t be available for the next 3 months. Except for cloudbuild attempts.
Hello, I would like to install /e/os on my Xiaomi redmi Note 10 Pro ( M2101K6G). But first I would like some information before installing OS.
First of all, to unlock the bootloader, I click on the link in the tutorial etc… but when I run the Mi unlock application it displays “Current version: New version : 7.6.72743”. But I can’t find a link for a new version. Is it a problem if the software is not up to date to disable the bootloader?
Secondly, in relation to the command “adb sideload”. Do we agree that currently it’s the “” file?
I can confirm that re-locking your bootloader prevents the OS from booting as its signature is not in the list of avb bootloader signatures. It will display “The system has been destroyed.” and soft locks till you flash the stock ROM. You will have to wait 1 month before unlocking again.
I would not recommend trying to relock the bootloader.
I have done this before on a different device and have never been able to recover the device, even after reflashing stock ROM.