'Unsupported' App

I have been trying to install an app from Lorex Technology, a US company with world-wide sales that sells security camera products. There are several such apps including Lorex Home and Lorex cloud. These are downloaded from the either the Apple repository or from Google Play Store. Although I seem to be able to download other apps and use them on my eFoundation Samsung phone, I cannot do so for either of these. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

Did you try looking for the .apk for example on apkmirror or something like that?

Many thanks for your reply Friedrich. Yes, I tried multiple sources and the whole process has driven me crazy! When I spoke to Lorex support (in the Philippines of course) I was told to borrow someone else’s Samsung phone just so as I could download the app that I could then set up on my Win 10 desktop computer. That worked (I have an old ‘googled’ Samsung lying around). So it seems the app loads easily enough on a regular ‘google’ Android, but not on my wonderful eFoundation Samsung. Perhaps I’m paranoid, but I suspect there’s a corporate conspiracy happening.


Many thanks for your reply Friedrich. Yes, I tried multiple sources and the whole process has driven me crazy! When I spoke to Lorex support (in the Philippines of course) I was told to borrow someone else’s Samsung phone just so as I could download the app that I could then set up on my Win 10 desktop computer. That worked (I have an old ‘googled’ Samsung lying around). So it seems the app loads easily enough on a regular ‘google’ Android, but not on my wonderful eFoundation Samsung. Perhaps I’m paranoid, but I suspect there’s a corporate conspiracy happening.


Friedrich, you’re a genius! I searched for another .apk site and found one with the app. It is now installed and working on my eFoundation phone. Thanks so much for your help. I wish you the best of the season and a happy 2022.



Firedrich, you’re a genius. After further searching I found another site with the app. It is now downloaded and installed and working. Thanks so much for your help. I wish you the very best of the season and a happy and successful 2022.


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