[UPDATE] 22-Nov ‘18: 6 new supported devices (enabled by Oreo branch)

I created an unofficial build of 0.2 per the advice from @Manoj and so far it works well. On my device there was a show stopping bug under 0.1 that does not exist in 0.2.
Thanks to the team from a supporter.


Can you post an URL to get it?? TIA

@Erekoze, I don’t know if your link request was directed at me, but I don’t have a link to my unofficial build.
My build was specific to my phone and is now over two months old with a nasty high data usage bug. The bug is fixed in newer versions of 0.2, but I don’t have the resources to be doing regular builds. If you also have a OnelPlus One (bacon) I suggest you lobby for an official 0.2 or 1.0 build.

Thank you very much, I gotta wait for branch 0.2 release for my phone. :frowning: