Updater isn't working anymore (dreamlte)

Hello everyone,
I have been using eOS for about 4 years now. Now I’m having problems updating to the latest version. I have the old version 1.14 :roll_eyes: and the system updates show me the old version 2.22 as the latest version. The latest version is not displayed and version 2.22 cannot be installed because it is offline. Now I don’t know how I can update my system without having to completely reinstall it. Is there a way to update my phone?

Current version and available update

As soon as I try to download this version, the following error message appears:
Download failed. Please check your internet connection and try again later.

Because of this “error message” I thought it was due to my internet connection and looked for problems there.
However, when I followed the URL, it turned out that the update is simply offline: Dead Link

I will be glad if someone can help me. Thank you very much.

So maybe your system Updater is not completely out … let’s concentrate on that.

It is the case that all the builds before early/mid October 2024 are missing or lost due to a server outage. Added to which there were build difficulties with dreamlte at about this time so even fewer builds are available.

You have a stable=official build, see Different Build Types.

Your upgrade path is that you have to do the transition from Android 11 (R) to Android 12 (S).

You can see the small number of builds available here /e/OS official dreamlte download.

An explanation and pictures of the system Updater set up for Android version upgrade is seen in this thread Update path for Galaxy S9.

Does your Updater show one “non-available” build only ? Are you able to scroll down the view to find an option marked (in blue) “version upgrade ?

If your Updater cannot do the above you should try

Settings > Apps and notifications > See all … apps > 3 dot menu top right > Show system > Updater > Storage & cache > Clear storage.

Perhaps restart the phone with a Soft reset Volume Down + Power at the same time, for 7 seconds.

… now be prepared to tap the refresh button multiple times, especially avoid times over the weekend where the network is busy.

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Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, it didn’t help. After I have cleared the storage, the list is empty. As soon as the system update is refreshed, only the “not available” build appears. I’ve tried several times.

Worth a try! So are you able to follow the route of @make-nz .

You might first explore your Recovery to see how you Update from a ROM on the device.

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ok, i hoped there is another solution.

Do I need the the .zip-file?

Will the phone do an update or will it reinstall e/OS completely with this solution?

Firstly, make sure you have a backup of essentials.

You have a stable=official build, so the suggested method is to replicate the Upgrade with no disturbance of userdata.

You download the ROM, yes .zip file, 1GiB ish

What you hope for is that the phone will Upgrade Android version and the /e/OS without harm to your stuff. No guarantees though.

Your stuff would only be destroyed if you choose to or are forced to Format data.

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I would have liked to say, I got a backup of your 1.14… but it is 1.13 I’ve uploaded for @piero

It could trigger the anti rollback feature, but if S versions would fail and things turn really sour, you could still try this stable 1.13
If you are happy to wait a bit longer, I might be able to test it on a S8 I have somewhere.
And if you got great patience, you meight see the updates come back, if murena recreates them from a back up.
(There was no reason to flag this!)strong text

There are no problems upgrading from R to S !

simply take the latest build (e-2.7-s)

/e/OS official dreamlte download

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Who ever felt like flagging my last post… feel free to tell me why in a personal message.

Thank you everyone. Update worked well.
It was much easier and faster than i expected.

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