I have been using e/OS for a couple of years now, I cannot remember a time when I have not had to resume a system update … it takes many ‘resumes’ for the download bar to complete, it just pauses with the message:
‘download error’.
Sometimes it will down load say 200mb, other times very small amounts of data, and then sometimes I forget and the update download needs to be re-started all over again.
I am unsure if the updates are coming down via WiFi or Mobile Data, I have mobile data enabled, is there a way to check, can I restrict updates from using mobile data ?
I am not moving about with the phone when downloading, although I attempt the downloads at two different locations, however not ruling out that signal strength is an issue, are there any tools that can log the signal strength over time, or just observe it, see if it varies a great deal, so I can look at a log and see if that is dropping - in my mind it must have to be a terrible signal for the download to timeout like this, yet I can browse and stream without any bother …
Thanks, yes that is an idea, curious why its failing though.
Can I restrict update downloads to WiFi only ? my phone is advising that it has used more mobile data than normal.
Thanks for the Caffeine app, have installed it and will see how I go, I note Caffeines default timeout is set ot ‘Infinite’, I suspect one should change that, otherwise the system might drain your battery ?
In my experience the tile is just found at Off. As I tap the tile in the Settings pull down I can choose 5:00, 10:00, 30:00, ∞. I guess I never used ∞, so after use I always find it at Off again.
Ahh yes, I see that thanks, handy for quickly setting the time out.
Bit unclear on one thing, does the ‘timeout’ setting stop e/OS from locking the phone and conserving power by turning the screen off … and I assume cancelling downloads ??
How can one listen to podcasts with the phone locked, it doesn;t time out for that, bit cofused.
When you look up this issue online, there is not a clear answer to why the Updater seems to take extra long or even stall for some. In Updater > Preferences is the setting to “prioritise” updater.
You seem to be reporting that
Your mileage may vary, I hope it is successful at the next update.
Maybe this is significant to the way that Updater devs have tried to ameliorate the problem.
So in your case you may have to avoid running any other apps at the same time. Maybe we have become used to seamless updates; this was not always the case.