Updating an app called toogoogtogo ask me something about HMS core

When updating an app called toogoodtogo it ask me about updating HMS core.

Is there someone knowd about that?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

I just find out that is something from Huawei, but I have an oneplus?
The app was update through aurora store

After I used my app, the pop up came back again… :frowning:.

damm. not good. i might stop using it

/e/ or “togoodtogo”? :smiley:

my app worked fine until I flashed it to 0.17-q. With it came a new version of microg gsm core…

just the app-. i amquite happy with e/

Boursorama (French) online bank’s app use HMS too… and gg :rage:

Yeah mine too :smiley: else the app’s wouldn’t work on ‘banned’ huawei devices… my app works even after the message.

On my daily driver the app works fine, from logcat I see it also checks for HMS. The diffrence is a newer /e/ vesion and hence microg serrvices. I will let you know if I find something after analyzing logcat of both devices.

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The error is: E/FirebaseInstanceId: Token retrieval failed: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
Another user has Issues wit Amazon apps and Manoj mentions some changes in 0.17. Don’t know how this is related to your versions (which are you useing anyways?)

My FP3 with 0.15-q stable has no such error and it gets a token. I guess in my case its related to new microg version and mybe a too old with you…

Update: had to sideload the 0.17-q build because of accidentally flashing boot.img on wrong device and now the error with HMS is not happening anymore…

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