Upgrade S7 herolte to Android 11

So I think we are just being tripped up by the 20th Feb date seen

Build 1.17.1 will be rolled out to herolte and hero2lte tonight. 20 Feb

But there is only one published ROM of https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.17.1-q which is e-1.17.1-q-20240208379201-stable-herolte with the actual build date of 2024-02-08.

That was the underlying problem that the “extra” build aimed to be a “buffer of protection” (my words) for all users.

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Ok, so I assume it’s ok to jump from e-1.17.1-q-20240208379201-stable-herolte to e-1.20… And the version published on Feb 20th can be ignored. That’s what you’re saying, right?
Thank you!

Where do you find some / any alternative version 1.17.1?

Is your System Updater now offering you something other than the Android version Upgrade?

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No, I just see the version upgrade. I just thought I need to get a different version from gitlab and install it manually… Good that I can use the offered version now :sweat_smile:

I think the version published on Feb 20th was builded on Feb 08th, and was tested before the release…

@aibd you lost your bike abillity ? So sorry if it’s the case.

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