Upgrade Samsung S7 to e/os 2.4.1 help needed, please

Hi @make-nz, this stuff is really interesting - finally I went from a phone stuck in a boot-loop to a completely functional phone without that much hassle apart from the steep learning curve. Hats off to the guys at the e.foundation - this stuff is pure magic !
In my case it was:

  • getting it into download mode and using heimdall to transfer the recovery image file
  • booting the recovery image
  • copying the OS zip file to a microSD card
  • shutdown, insert microSD card, boot into e-recovery
  • using e-recovery to install/load the OS from the microSD card
    and finally, once everything was working, using the intgrated updater to move from 2.6.3 to 2.7
    Wonderful :slight_smile:
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Hi @piero

may i ask, why the e-2.4.1 and not the latest, e-2.7 ?

I have downloaded all the required things as per the instructions
Install /e/OS on a Samsung Galaxy S7 - ā€œherolteā€, backed up everything and have a new sd card to use (it is bigger than the one i currently use).

My thoughts are to follow the install instructions and use the e-2.7 file.
Is that OK to do?

I had a little hold up trying to get a snap package so as to use the automated installer but my computer OS is Trisquel which is GNU/Linux

and we donā€™t do snap.
Therefore I have decided to do the fresh install with Terminal using Heimdall.

Before I proceed, I wanted to check with you and all others who have helped me so much including @aibd .

Also, with @gbe s post

I have noted that and will try it if the install does not go properly or if i am advised differently.

It is late here, where I am, so I shall leave it now and await your kind reply.

Thank you


Installing e-2.4.1-s will allow you to verify if the system updater now works well, as it should propose you the latest e-2.7-s versionā€¦

Main addition in this thread compared to official instructions, is the use of TWRP that can help you to access to your data, even on a non booting device.

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Hi again @piero

the TWRP looks like a bit of a rabbit trail to me.

I shall look into it a bit more [again] but ask if i can do without it?
I realise I would have to redo everything.

Excuse my ignorance but do i have root and can i root my device?

If not, I then need Odin?

I really appreciate all help.


It is a custom recovery manager as the recovery-e is but with more advanced features.

Of course you can use the recovery-e

No, just the first steps ā†’ flash a custom recovery

/e/OS is not rooted, but you can gain root permission for certain apps, using ā€œMagiskā€

Yes Odin (using on a Windows PC) or TWRP (can be used without Computer)

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Thank you @piero

I shall read some more but at this stage i think Iā€™ll do the recovery-e.
I get fuddled too easily these days and the more I try to work out how to do all the extra bits, the more kerfuddled I get. Some info is not well explained [for me] on the various web pages. As I donā€™t know much about some of these things, i find it difficult to follow and know what some things mean and how to do certain things.
that is why i might stick with recovery-e. I understand it and it looks very straightforward.

Quite a few of my apps also are not going to be able to copy etc as they are privacy friendly and encrypted and/or do not have ability to back up, so what i meant about redoing everything was that i might have to reload quite a lot but i do have copies of all my files etc [some of which have been rather tricky to do - copy paste etc].

One question, do I do the recovery and installation with my sim card in and my sd card in the phone? I know the sd card would be wiped and am ok with that.

thank you again,


Hi again,

one other thingā€¦

at present, my phone can not make calls or receive them for some unknown reason. A few days ago it stopped doing so. I can still send and receive text messages.
I have no idea why.

My concern is that if i use TWRP, it might copy something that is wrong with my phone at the moment and i would be in a pickle, which is also why i might go with the recovery-e.

Any thoughts welcome [from all]


As I review the posts here I think we have all been trying to point you to the possibility to Upgrade without data loss ā€¦ or minimise the risks.

If you had all your stuff backed up, then you would be in position to decide whether it is easier to just Factory reset and start a new install.

Of course there are always several different ways to move forward.

You are in a quite unusual situation you have 1.17.1-q-herolte which was a ā€œspecialā€ prelude to 1.20-r-stable-herolte (see Post #2) ā€¦ it didnā€™t happen ā€¦ then there was an outage ā€¦ and different files are available now.

How much do you want or need to preserve the data on your phone?


Hi all,

I went with following the instructions from the Install page; via Command/Terminal.
After getting to somewhere between step 4 and 7 of
Installing a custom recovery using Heimdall
my phone froze with the aqua blue screen and would not reboot or turn off or respond at all.
I let it sit for over half an hour in case there was some process running.
I need a phone so wanted to remove my sim card to put into another old phone but the sim tray is broken off inside! Soā€¦
I went to remove the back of the phone (Donā€™t Do It !!!) and it shattered and cracked, held together by a rubbery sort of film.

I disconnected the battery and then re-connected it and then I could turn the phone on again.
The back cover is now on with the help of a few layers of packing tape! But at least i have a phone to use. ( you might remember though that for some odd reason, I can not make or receive calls but can do text messages and Signal, etc.

I will try again soon. First, can I ask please,
do i have to do a factory reset before a new install?

I also noticed that in the instructions for installation,

that i will encounter TWRP?

I am a bit lost in it all.
I have issues with getting TWRP and following the instructions to do so. Perhaps some of my settings are such as to cause difficulty?

At least i can still use my phone for now.

Many thanks for all help.

Look forward to replies, please


psā€¦ I have really been enjoying using the e/os and all
Murena bits and am determined to get sorted.
Anyone reading this, please make allowance for my goof-ups and lack of understanding. The folk here are really kind and helpful.
My initial install was easy. It is me trying to upgrade that is the problem, not the e/OS!

No, you do not actually have to do a Factory reset before install. Sorry I used the wording

by which I suppose I meant Factory reset or commit yourself to Format data during the process.

Have you made up your mind which you are doing? Clean install or Upgrade?

I believe TWRP remains as some users have reported failure of initial install of e-Recovery and some / many are used to TWRP on older phones. In Linux it is exactly the same command to install either

heimdall flash --RECOVERY recoveryfilename.img --no-reboot

It is significant if downloading TWRP that you select a version with extension .img not .img.tar

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thank you for your reply!

If I have Heimdall and TWRP recovery files downloaded, will they clash?
I canā€™t remember if I downloaded/installed TWRP or not but when I tried the Heimdall, my phone froze and i near wrecked it disconnecting the battery {built in sort} getting my phone to work again.

I am thinking of doing a clean install due to the fact that for some reason,my phone has stopped being able to send or receive calls and I donā€™t want to copy [with TWRP] any bad settings or the like.

So, if I do a clean install, do I have to factory reset the phone first and
do I have to remove my sim card

Sorry this has been so drawn out. I do appreciate your help.


Heimdall has always worked fine for me and installs TWRP or e-Recovery just fine. Heimdall is a toolset for your Linux PC, used to talk to Samsung phones.

The installation of Heimdall in my mind comes under ā€œPreparationā€ so should be sorted out straightt away. Please check the install page section

Preparing for installation using Heimdall

Once installed, note the last sentence; verify Heimdall by running

heimdall version

Following this you can connect your phone in Download mode to the PC and type:

heimdall print-pit

If the device reboots that indicates that Heimdall is installed and working properly.

One job done. :white_check_mark:

You mentioned the SIM tray, but what ever the cause, I suggest a Factory reset to test the phone. If the phone should fail to make and receive calls, assuming you are serious about ongoing use of the phone, I would be considering flashing the Stock ROM and testing the phone with that.

It is not critical, but after some ā€œbad eventā€ I would Factory reset; if you clean install you must Format data as written in the install page.

and do I have to remove my sim card

It is not critical, I prefer to leave it in.

Late Edit Donā€™t forget the Soft reset option useful for any Samsung running sub optimal.

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Hi @aibd

I decided to follow this instruction after double checking I had copies of anything important (backed up):

I went to settings and found the reset option. All the usual warnings about all date erased. Did the reset.
Phone started up, all good, but I still could not make a call.

I had a look at the version number and forgot to make a note of it as I saw that I could download the latest version,
/e/OS 2.7-s-2025019460371
and decided to give it a try.

It downloaded which is good as i could not get any downloads of updates or upgrades before the reset.
Once downloaded, I installed it.

Now it is running Android 12 (was android 10 before).

That is as far as I have got. I was/am excited about it so i wanted to write /reply here to let you and all others know the progress.

I will have to redo all my preferences and bits but that is OK.

The problem with the calling and receiving calls could be to do with VoLTE 4G being rolled in across the country.
I had a text earlier today about it from the phone carrier.
I would submit that a lot of people might have to upgrade their phones if currently using 3G or even plain 4G. A bit curious. A forced upgrade to more modern tentacles into the users privacy?
Anyway, that is all another subject completely.

I will play around with my new version of e/OS and report back.

Thank you so much (everyone) for your patience with me all through this.

Once I have fiddled around a bit and tried things out, i will be able to do a ā€˜Problem Solvedā€™.


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Good to hear that the reset and upgrade seems to have worked for you.

It will be worth contacting the Carrier. In the UK when we had this, Vodafone allowed a continuation of 3G LTE alongside 4G. They published a little seen graphic which demonstrated how my Samsung would continue to work.


yes, thank you for joining in my happiness!

not sure what happens here in Australia. Someone suggested calling them, butā€¦ not being able to call is a slight problem.

I shall work something out.
