Upgrade to Murena:lost contact book on phone

today, I’ve upgraded my \e o.s. to Murena ver 1.x
I don’t know how, I’ve lost all the contact on my phone.
I still have a copy on web site murena.io
How can I refresh the contact on my FP3 phone?

Is it possible to sincronyze contact from web cloud murena.io to the phone (wit murena as s.o.)?

Thank you


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

ok, I think I’ve solved. the account I need on phone, is: xxx@e.email, not xxx@murena.io.
It seem it’s all ok.
I’m sorry if I made a mistake, writing on a non right channel, but without contact on the phone I was disperated.

Thank you


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sorry for the late reply and thanks for the follow up - for others too, I filed this as bug at